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Dreams Of Life

Dreams of the cool night vanish, to be replaced by the warmth of sunlight at break of day. Gentle breezes bathe my skin and leave the scent of lilacs. The sound of the nightbirds trill is now hushed and the redbird and wren join in song. "Tis time for nesting and preparations begin. So busy they be, choosing only the strongest twigs and finest straw, woven with the grace of the finest weaver, delicate threads but strong to hold tiny eggs, protecting against the strongest winds and rain. Duty of the Lord's blessing to renew the lives of nature's bounty, give way to new life as the shell opens to reveal hungry little mouths. Sleeping till the sound of another meal arrives. Busy parents rush to feed, constantly looking for the choicest of morsels, a moth, a bug, a seed or two. Strength gaining, feathers grow, perching at the edge of nest until the days when mother nudges one, then two, encouraging their will to fly off into a world unknown. And the dream o life starts again to renew. Such sweet music I hear...Darkness comes to give rest...again to dream.

Author: Shirley Parish Hatfield