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With love I sowed some Friendship seeds
'twas not so long ago
They rooted in some real good hearts
Now you should see them grow

From east to west and north to south,
around the world they went
I reaped a harvest of good friends
From everywhere they were sent

Friends are growing everywhere
with the sowing of these seeds
Now they are doing kindly acts
for those they see in need

Where do I find a Friendship seed?
might be playing on your mind
From way down deep within your heart
and each seed creates its own kind

Sow the seeds that others need
Faith, hope, love and charity
Do unto others, as you'd have them do
That's the planting of the seed

Join in the planting of these seeds
and cultivate for yourself a few
You'd be surprised how friends will grow
with a handshake and a "how do you do?"

Come on now and join right in
With 'good morning' and 'have a great day'
With a smiley face and a note of cheer
Soon you'll have a Friendship Bouquet

Written by: Yolanda Cohen

Email Yolanda