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I was cleaning out my parents house this last week and I came across this poem that I found very interesting. My mother had apparently clipped it out of a chronicle over 50 years ago. My father was in the Korean war when I was born and this is about that war. I am not sure of the author but it was submitted by a Lt. Col. Darrell T. Rathburn who at that time was from St. Petersburg, Fl. I don't know if he is the author though or not. This just sent chills through me when I read it. Will there ever be a time when there is Peace in this world? God, I hope so.


'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the tent

Was the odor of fuel oil (the stovepipe was bent).

The shoepacs were hung by the oil stove with care,

In hopes that they'd issue each man a new pair.

The weary GI's were sacked out in their beds,

And visions of sugar-babes danced through their heads,

When up on the ridgeline there rose such a clatter

(A Chinese machine gun had started to chatter)

I rushed to my rifle and threw back the bolt.

The rest of my tent-mates awoke with a jolt.

Outside, we could hear our platoon Sergeant Kelly,

A hard little man with a little pot belly.

"Come Yancey, come Clancey, come Conners and Watson,

"Up Miller, up Shiller, up Baker and Dodson!"

We tumbled outside in a swirl of confusion,

So cold that each man could have used a transfusion.

"Get up on that hilltop and silence that Red,

"And don't you come back till you're sure that he's dead."

Then putting his thumb up in front of his nose,

Sergeant Kelly took leave of us shivering Joe's:

But we heard him say in a voice soft and light:

"Merry Christmas to all-may you live through the night."

Author:Unsure of

Midi playing: One Tin Soldier