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(Pills For My Ills)

  Dear son:
I went to see the doctor again today
and the pills he gave--What a colorful array!
Just sitting here and thinking to myself
and viewing all these bottles on the shelf

  There's green ones, red ones and yellow too
Each with instructions of what they should do
Now that little yellow one, I take a lot
It tells me I'm happy even when I'm not

  Another one that says, for leg pain at night
Now that one's big and red and bright
 The green one, I know that I must pop
Otherwise my heart might up and stop

  Purple and orange ones for my brain
They tell me that I've got no pain
The white one, I guess it don't matter
That one causes trouble with my bladder

  There's a tiny red one, smallest of them all
Must take so the blood pressure doesn't fall
Now looking at all these bottles on the shelf
And trying to analyze them all myself

  After I take one of each, I'm loaded
With these pills, all color-coded
If I mix up the colors, I might die
Makes me question, why even try?

  I think they might be called 'smart pills'
That are supposed to fix up all my ills
Now here's the thing that troubles me so
Just how do those pills know where to go?


Yolanda Cohen and Betty Hill

Yolanda Cohen

Betty Hill