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Letter To Mother

~the battle with the bee~

Dear Mother, about that letter I just got,
don't know if it's factual or if not
It's quite a story I must confess
If everything happened as you said

Now that you're older, I do know
Hallucinations come and then they go
Is it possible, do you think,
Your mind just simply went on a 'blink'?

It might have been something
like a fairy tale
And it's gonna get better
when you get well

I'll be there as soon as I can
And I will talk to that doctor man
I think that we just might agree
It's time for a little psychiatry

I thought you were strange
acting like a kid
and doing all the things
that we once did

Maybe that's the way senility sets in
and now with me being the next of kin
I'll be there with the right solution
It's time to put you in an Institution
Get well soon
Love, your Son

Yolanda Cohen & Betty Hill
© 2004

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