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When little raindrops patter down,
And clouds go scurrying by,
Just spread a big umbrella up,
'Twill keep you warm and dry.

The saucy little drops will fall,
And on it's surface hit,
But they will splash and scatter there,
Nor trouble you a bit.

When little, teasing trials come,
And pelt you every hour,
Just spread your many blessings out,
To keep you from the shower.

A big umbrella make of them,
Then, though the trials fall,
They'll strike your shield and scatter there,
And not reach you at all.

And when you find that this is so,
Please pass the word along,
That others, too, may shelter find,
When things are going wrong.

For when they see your smiling face,
So free from care and fret,
They, too, will lift their blessings up,
To keep from getting wet.

Author Unknown