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A Rose, A Sunray, and A Thorn

A rose bush was planted and then it grew
Then one day the first bud came peeking through
To look at the sun and drink from a shower
and grow into a beautiful flower.

But Alas! un-noticed beneath the vine
An old Thorn said "I'll make that Rose mine,
I'll pick her before she's tasted the dew.
and own her and keep her all her life through."

So by day he plotted and by night he schemed
Of how he would make her part of his lustful dream.
And so he succeeded and made her believe
That he's surly kill her if ever she'd leave.

So she was stunted but only for a season,
Her petals were pale and here is the reason
She never looked up at the bright morning sun
nor tasted the rain as down her petals it run.

  Because she was a prisoner now of the Thorn
She began to look ill and tattered and torn
But the Thorn didn't care that she was choked by his blow,
until she was smothered and just couldn't grow.

But oh!, one day a Sunray broke in
and rescued her from this prison of sin.
He told her she was born to be a beautiful flower
To be warmed by the sun and be cooled by a shower.

For what the Thorn had done to her,
He would surely now pay
Living his own life in prison
until the end of his days

One day the Rose awoke early
and looked at the Sunray
He warmed her soft petals as
she breathed in a new day

Her petals burst open into a colorful flower
They fell in love, right then in that hour.
The Sunray had cared and was there by her side
To nourish her back, when she had nearly died

They lived happy thereafter,
the story then goes
What is more perfect
than a Sunray with a beautiful Rose?

Author: Yolanda Cohen