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(Running Away)

  Dear Son,

You sure have come to a wrong conclusion
That I should be in an institution
That won't happen, you wait and see
You'll have a hard time catching up with me

  All this started with that bumblebee
that had its evil eyes on me
Nobody else saw it but I don't care
I know that stinging thing was there

  Now I've taken charge, as you know I can
 I called my attorney, the legal man
I've passed all the psych tests given me
My mind is as sound as it should be

  So with these papers in my hand
I went to the bank, saw the banker man
 Got some money, bought a car and a boat
What time I'm not driving, I'm  gonna float

  Now don't you worry none about me
I've hired a Chauffeur and a Captain, you see
I'm sorry I had to change my will
But that's the only way I could pay my bill

  I got a neat sticker for the car,
Says 'you can't catch me, I'm going too far'
Another one I got just for the boat
That says 'spending your inheritance while I float'

  Catch me if you can,

Yolanda Cohen and Betty Hill

Yolanda Cohen

Betty Hill