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Time Changes Things

Time Changes Things

  I wish for one day
Time would stand still
Not change nothing more
'Til I catch up with how I feel
  I'm trying to sort it out
All the changes I've had
Though my mind still is fuzzy
I recollect, they're all bad

  Now I lost all my teeth
My eye sight nearly gone
It just ain't any fun
That old age coming on

  But one thing I still have
I'll protect with my life
Is my head full of hair
So curley and white

  Oh, please dear Lord
Will you grant my petition?
Don't let me go bald
Or get a scalp condition

  I gave up my desire
For some beautiful shoes
Have to stay off my scooter
So my life I won't loose

  I've accepted all those pills
That should cure all my ills
And I'm trying not to complain
Just help me to face what is real

  But all of these things
Are behind me now
  Oh, I'll guard my hair
I've got to keep it somehow

  Now I really don't mind
At all that it's gray
As a matter of fact
I kind of' like it that way

  So listen again Lord
It's all up to you
Leave my hair on my head
Until my life is all thru


Yolanda Cohen and Betty Hill

Yolanda Cohen

Betty Hill

Midi Playing: One Moment In Time