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Time Changes Things (Memory Collapse)

  As time keeps rushing by,
leaving me so far behind
So many things that I once knew,
keep leaving from my mind

  I had a mental collapse today
at least that's what they say
When that thing came over me
I gave my shoes away

  I took them off and gave them away,
to my daughter standing near
Then turned around and plum forgot
Said, "I can't find my shoes nowhere"

  While I was still searching
So much to my surprise
I saw my daughter standing there
In my shoes, right before my eyes

  I said, "Why are you in my shoes?"
She looked confused and sad
And said, "Mom you gave them to me"
I said, "those are the only shoes I had"
  Now help me try to figure out
Why I'd give my shoes away
I don't have an extra pair
And I need some shoes today
  She said, "Mom just put these on"
As she handed me those shoes
I said, "Thanks, they're just my size,
Now these I will not lose"

  Again today, so I am told
I gave her those shoes once more
But she wouldn't put them on again
She set them on the floor

  I said, "go on now, try them on"
Then I plum forgot again
I turned around and saw her shoes
And said, " I once had a pair like them"

  "But I gave them to somebody,
I just don't remember who,
It's been a long time ago,
Did I give those shoes to you?"

  Betty Hill and Yolanda Cohen

Midi Playing: Memories

Yolanda Cohen

Betty Hill