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We all have special treasures
That in memory transcend...
One of the very dearest
Is an old and cherished friend.

A friend is there when needed
Without pretense or ado.
His smile encourages you.

New friends we surely welcome,
Yet the ones who mean so much
Are endeared by fond memories
Of friendship's velvet touch.

A word of understanding,
An extended hand in need,
Remembrance of a token
Or a sweet and thoughtful deed.

What greater compensation
Or happiness can one find,
Than a friend in consonance
With your feelings, heart and mind.

Who may even disagree,
Yet will always understand;
Who greets you with a warm smile
And a friendly outstretched hand.

Acquaintances come and go
Like all fair-weather friends,
But those remaining faithful
Are unmoved by fads or trends.

In adversities of life,
When our hearts are sad and blue,
True friends come shining through!

In thinking of our friendship,
Fond memories merge and blend.
I realize how fortunate
I am that you are my friend!

As I recount the friendships
That have lasted and are true,
I'm very grateful for you.

Author; Donita M. Dyer
