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Everybody knew that Uncle George
was a dangerous little old man
Always hanging around you see
to lend his dangerous hand

  He was always the first to volunteer
for a job that must be done
He blew the roof right off the house
Just trying to clean a gun

  He had a fascination for switches
that run the electric power
He left so many working men
with their tales of electric showers

  A switch he turned On if it was Off
and Off if it was On
With no regard in his dangerous mind
Just where those lines were going


Some fascinating stuff he kept
He never could resist
Dynamite and electric power
and playing with a switch

  The problem with Uncle George you know
'Tho he was happy every day
He just could never get it right
When to work and when to play

  He sparked all the way to heaven
One day while playing around
With a big long power cable
Stretched out on the ground

  He plugged one end to a socket
Left the other end on the ground
Took one step forward, what a flash!
As he went spinning around

He left this world in a flash
The way he'd want to go
'Cause all the time he was playing around
It was always just for show

  On the day Uncle George went to heaven
Everybody turned out to see
Just what might be said about a man
Who died so peculiarly?

Before the service started
I couldn't find any of his family
By the time the Eulogy ended
I knew he was not a nut from my family tree

  Poem by: Yolanda Cohen and Betty Hill

Yolanda Cohen

  Betty Hill