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Can't you just feel the spellbinding power

of the waves as they thunder into your shore.

See the foaming whitecaps riding the crests

like the manes of magical and mystical wild horses,

Coming to carry you away to the promised lands

of your heartfelt and most cherished wants and desires.

Oh, they'll show you no mercy nor abatement

in their relentless and obsessive pursuit of you.

And it's the fool who attempts to employ logic

and common sense to that which cannot be broken

For passion knows no rules and is left unbridled

when set upon you to quench your cravings.

It can lead you to the very highest peaks of ecstasy

or to the deepest pit of the valley of despair.

And more often than not there seems no rationale

for the outcome from our moral point of view.

We accept the victories with gladness and wonder

and the defeats threaten to pull us asunder,

As if we actually believed that the outcome

of winning or losing was important itself.

But is it not what we learned and made of ourselves

during these rides with wild horses that's truly eternal?

Or do we all too often become so engrossed in obtaining

the objects and fantasies of our wants and needs

That we become distracted from why they were sent to us

and all the wondrous lessons we might learn from them?

So, ride the wild horses with joyous anticipation

for they know the way home even after a fall.

Author: dennis j hopkins

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Thank you so much Dennis for allowing me to use your God given talents on my web is I who feels honored!

To read more of Dennis' wonderful writings, please vist his web site at: dennis j hopkins