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I know you beckon me to come
But where and when
will we finally be together
It is autumn for me now
and I am growing weary
of this lonely vigil
Too many roads less traveled
Always apart somehow
from all the others
I see them caught up
in things that don't matter
Forsaking their dreams
like misplaced treasures
Lying to themselves
and staying busy at nothing
have become their way of life
As if that would add
rather than subtract
from whom they are
I look forward to winter now
A sweet respite from life
and all the noisy confusions
and tangled webs
A simpler time
is what I crave
Like snow angels
born on a frosty night
just for the joy of it
And afterwards, the peace
of being cozy
by a crackling fire
while drifting with my dreams
But for this moment
I only feel
tears falling in the wilderness
for what we might have shared
Sleep will come for me soon now
And, I wonder, "Will I dream?"
And if I do,
"Will you be there?"

Author:dennis j hopkins

To read more of Dennis' wonderful writings, please visit his website at: dennis j hopkins