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I loved my little Winky
She was a gift to me
The family that had owned her
Chose another pup you see
Winky isn't pretty at all
They warned me once or twice
But when I went to get her
That little lady was very nice

She was so short and chubby
With a friendly barking voice
If I'd had 100 to choose from
She would still have been my choice
A little Doxie mix
No, she was not purebred
But she had priceless ways
How she loved her little bed

She watched me very close
As she was growing old
Seemed she knew I needed her
That's what her actions told
One day she sprained her back
And her body wretched with pain
I rushed her to the vet
She may not make it he explained

I thought my heart would break
As the Dr. gave the news
Winky was ten yrs. old
Her days of life were used
She will always be a part
Of all my memories
She had so many ways
To let me know she loved me

Winky will be missed
None else could take her place
And when I think of her
It brings a smile to my face

Written By: Betty Hill