i'm coming...!
-------->FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2002
guess who's back? mary's back. with a new layout too. i'm in the making of a brand new layout that's totally coooool! but i've been thinking, i get a new look every 2 months but i don't even get a lot of visitors. so my plan is i'll change the layout when i get to the number amount of people i wanted to visit my site. i just have to tell u that the new layout is totally different and it rocks! anyway, what's up with me? i have been really busy with summer school but hey! i got an A in health, and right now, i just passed the swimming test. i'm gonna ask everyone a favor that if you visit my site, PLEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK, so i know who's been here. i love ya! bye
---> LuLu
-------->FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 2002
hey. click on the "i'm coming" link above to enter my site! this is my say w/e page. i just wanna say that my new layout is super cute so beware. promotion is this friday! can u believe it! lulu's finally growing up! i'll take so many pics with my digital camera and put them here! because (duh!) me and my girls will look totally cute on our special day. we are also having a lil party afterwards so everything'll be cool as ice. i can't believe i'm celebrating this at smith, but i'm sure u baker people will have fun w/o me like u've done ever since i moved. hehe. i also got an "imood" icon. won't change much coz i can't really tell what my mood is most of the time. yeah. well, the "boys II men" ad right on the page is really annoying me so i'll fly away and you guys have a great day. have fun viewing my site!
---> LuLu
-------->my report card (quiz results)
i took the Lazy test and i'm 46% Lazy!!!!!! yay!!!!!
You're a classic. You're popular. What else could you ask for? Maybe a taste in music, but that's up to you.
You have a lot of mood swings. One day you're almond, the next you're crunchy. Make up your mind! People can always find you, since you're just that cool. Or not.

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!