Gareth is an enigma. He is outwardly a Micky clone, but it is there that the resemblance ends. Micky clones are by and large notable for their excitable natures, wicked senses of humor, and their lecherousness. Gareth possesses none of these. He is usually calm and reserved even by Nesmith standards, his sense of humor skews much more towards subtle, wry humor, and his lack of a libido is due to his seemingly permanent impotencehis parts should work but dont, and any sexual advances made towards him leave him cold and unmoved.
When I first got him I wasnt quite sure what to do with him. He embodied his name, talking and behaving very much like an Arthurian knight. He still, however, kept very much to himself, and continues to do so even now.
At some pointprobably after the clone warhe began studying the martial arts in earnest, and ninjitsu in particular. The ancient Japanese art of the assassin seems to fit his brooding temperament best. He haunts the Library and Trotondown at night, honing his abilities to razor sharpness. When Opal (St. Matthews Micky White clone) began his nightly patrols of the Library, Gareth followed him, shadowing him but always keeping himself hidden. Eventually he was found out, but Opal didnt seem to mind and he and Gareth became friends, I think.
I think only because Gareth is so hard to figure out. He is a devout loner, shunning company even though I vaguely suspect that he longs deeply for it. His trustworthiness is also something that is hard to figure out; while not evil or vicious in any way, Gareths enigmatic personality does not make trusting him easy. There is, however, an untapped well of love and kindness within him, waiting for the right person to set it free.
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