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Hatch Nesmith

I cloned Hatch on April 4, 2001, after rereading some old Tropicalcampfire posts—in particular pertaining to the episode ‘The Chaperone’ where Mike decimates a stubborn bag of pretzels with a hatchet, and someone called him Mike ‘The Hatchet’ Nesmith.

Hatch is a first season clone, with the fringed shirt and moccasin boots, and of course the wool hat—though he doesn’t wear it much any more. His personality is typical of most Mike clones; stubborn, quick-tempered, but reasonable. However, with certain people he shows a much more sensitive, tender side, though in that quiet, stoic Nesmith way.

His name comes from the silver hatchets—silver in color, not in composition—he wears on his hips like a pair of six shooters. They are longer than the average hatchet, and intricately carved. I still suspect that it was Hatch himself who carved them, but I can’t be sure. He can hurl them with deadly accuracy, striking just about anything at which he aims. They are his one prized possession, and he is rarely without them.

He and Nev did not get along very well at first. Both are very much ‘Papa Nez’s’ and Nev saw Hatch as a threat to his position as head of my clone family. One day while Nev was in the dojo Hatch walked in, and an unusually heated argument swiftly turned into an all-out fight. I came upstairs after a Femme meeting and found the two of them weaving down the hall, bleeding and torn but laughing and leaning on each other like old friends. Afterwards they came to an agreement—they would share responsibility for my ever-widening clan.

Hatch can mostly be found with his twin Nabu, either roaming around the Library or Trotondown, or out in the woods. Like his twin, Hatch has a ‘power,’ albeit a purely defensive one; he can absorb any powers directed at him, and like a mirror, reflect them back.

He sometimes feels out-of-place, especially since all the listers and clones have begun to pair up, but Hatch has shown contentment with the slow, easy pace of his life, and I would be lost without him.

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