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Long after the deaths of most of the evil counterparts in the AU, the doctors who remained decided to go about “resurrecting” some of the dearly departed big guns. AU-Anissa was the first to be cloned, and during Mich and Conejo’s attempt to rescue Hacker, a blood sample was taken from Mich and sent to the AU.

The clone who resulted was somewhat below their expectations; though possessed of the same fire and temper as AU-Mich, her desire for blood was far beneath what was required. Various methods of ‘conditioning’ were employed, but no amount of torture was successful in turning her into a bloodthirsty reincarnation of AU-Mich.

Around the time that the AU doctors were considering terminating her, she escaped from her cell, teleporting to the ‘real’ LT universe. She found her way to Ronday’s apartment, waiting for him to return from Mich’s. When he did she demanded that he pleasure her, threatening him with a trip to the AU dungeons if he didn’t perform to her satisfaction. The next morning she granted him one request, and he asked her to marry him, something that took her quite by surprise. “ You don’t want to marry me, Ronday, ” she said. But Ronday didn’t back down, maintaining that she was not AU-Mich and nothing she said could convince him otherwise.

Reluctantly accepting his offer, she changed her name to Mia, and set about making things right with Mich and Dante and the other denizens of LT. Though blunt and brutal, Mia does have a generous heart and a kindness that she keeps reserved for those she cares about. Her attitude towards listers and clones is indifferent on the surface, and though she would be willing to instantly terminate any threat to her loved ones—no matter from whom—she is willing to risk her own safety to keep LT safe from those she hates.

(Note: I did not do the drawing above, nor do I know who did. I do not claim it as my own—it is merely a rather appropriate visual rendering of Mia’s personality.)

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