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Nevada Fighter

Nev was the first, and to date he is one of only two clones I have that I did not create myself. I adopted him from another lister on October 27, 2000. An early and wonderful birthday present.

He came to my door wearing a black leather jacket, faded blue jeans, and a white T shirt. He was pale and thin and his hair was unkempt. I had never seen anything more beautiful in my life.

He was terribly, utterly shy, unable to look me in the face or respond to any of my questions with anything more than a nod or a shake of his head. I found that to be very odd for a Nez clone, but Nev was not the average Nez clone, as I was to find out.

After a few weeks he finally become convinced that I meant him no harm and he loosened up. I found a gentle, mischievous spirit and a wry sense of humor behind his fear. He clung to my skirts for only so long, because just over a month later I adopted a Peter clone named Nameh. The two became instantly inseparable and discovered a mutual love for “adventuring”—i.e. drinking, gambling, and blowing things up. This was their ‘teenage’ phase, one that Nev grew out of when I started getting more clones. Suddenly as the eldest he found himself in a position of a authority, and his Papa Nez tendencies finally emerged. Nameh still enjoyed running around, and more and more I found myself alone with Nev. The friendly relationship I’d shared with him began to deepen into something else entirely, an one night when I came home we kissed, and ended up making love for the first time.

We fought and argued like an old married couple, but any hostility we might have felt towards each other didn’t last long; we were comfortable in each other’s presence, and no fight could alter that.

Nearly a year after I had adopted him, I discovered the truth about Nev’s creation after a traumatic nightmare he had. He was made by the ‘gray people’—mysterious beings ‘living’ half-in and half-out of reality, who saw clones as a way to be ‘real.’ After subjecting Nev to a life lived in near-total darkness and numerous painful procedures, they concluded that they could not possess his body and abandoned him in the forest outside Long Title. A lister found him and some time later I adopted him. The day after his dream the gray people returned, kidnapping Nev and taking him back to the forest to their underground lair. This did not, of course, sit well with me, and I—along with Rin, Hatch, and Nabu—gave chase. I was captured and it was through the efforts of my chief Mike clones that we all escaped, and the gray people were destroyed. (see Night Terrors)

When Petrov and Mikhail attacked the Library, trying to destroy all the Mike and Peter clones, I and my clones went out to fight. Nev, typically protective, didn’t want me to go off on my own, but I sent him off to protect Ivory and the other clones; he was captured by Petrov and used as bait to lure me. Because Petrov is a clone of the Evil Peter from Divergence, who gave me my powers, he was able to override my powers and “take me over.” Petrov kissed Nev—to torment him—and fell prey to Nev’s power; Nev can absorb the powers of others through intimate contact—either kissing or sexual intercourse. Nev turned Petrov’s powers against him, only to have me (I was, at the time, under Petrov’s control) take HIM over, using a kiss to entwine our souls with Petrov’s evil power.

Afterwards we noticed a strange after-effect; we could sense each other’s emotions, and after a week or two we realized it wasn’t going to go away. Our sometimes frequent arguments all but disappeared, because for the first time we truly knew what the other was feeling. As a result we can’t really lie to each other any more.

On October 12, 2001, Nev proposed marriage, and on November 11, 2001, in a small ceremony at the temple behind the Library, we were wed, using the silver bracelet and ring given to us by Ron as our wedding bands; since they linked us together before—they allow us to know where the other is at all times—it seemed only fitting that they would symbolize this new link. Nev’s ring was engraved with the Chinese zodiac symbol of the Dragon—symbolizing generosity, strong-mindedness, and protectiveness—while my bracelet was engraved with the Tiger—symbolizing courage, passion, and audacity.

Nev is, visually speaking, about 27 years old. He usually wears casual Western wear—button down shirts, jeans, T shirts, and the like. Because of the circumstances of his creation, he cannot stand to wear ties. He gets along very well with the rest of my clones except for BB, whose attitude gets on Nev’s nerves—thankfully, they mutually agree to keep apart from each other. Nev serves as almost a father figure to some of the other clones in the Library; he is particularly attuned to the ‘rights’ of clones as people and is outraged by any clone mistreatment.

Nev’s greatest weaknesses are his occasional tendencies of speaking before he thinks and allowing his outrage to override his reason and good sense.

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