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Celebrate Communion

Celebrate and rejoice
Examine your heart and hear His voice.
Live for Christ and you will know
Embrace His love and you will surely grow.
Blessed are those that believe
Repent of your sins and you will receive.
Anointed joy from up above
Thank You Jesus for Your agape love.
Engraved in our hearts is the love of the Lord
Children of the Most High will be on one accord.
Our Lord and Savior died for us
Melodies we will sing because in Him we can trust.
Married together we will look ahead
United as one His body and words are our daily bread.
Nourish your mind and think
Invite Christ into your heart before you drink.
One with Christ because He lives
Number one in our lives because He still forgives.

All poems are Copyright © by: Melvin Douglas McClain Jr.

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