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The bible tells of a story
of a Savior with all power and glory
He was there in the beginning of time
King of all kings and His love shines.
A star shined in the sky so bright
and the angels danced and rejoiced that night
many came to see His birth
He is the Savior that would cleanse the earth.
Baptized by John was a sign of love
angels rejoiced in heaven then appeared a dove
the Spirit covered the Lord
and people saw that He was the true Shepherd.
Twelve disciples followed the Messiah
they left everything behind was their only desire
at the wedding He turned water into wine
and in due time even healed a man that was blind.
He feed the multitude with fish and bread
as they spread His love from the words He said
the miracles He preformed on earth
were more than any treasured worth.
Jesus Christ wept
because Lazarus died but was kept
many came on that day
and saw the Spirit in a magnificent way.
Jesus spoke in parables to teach
people came just to hear Him preach
this made the pharisees upset
and they wanted Christ put to death.
A deal was made with one of His own
his soul was lost by the actions he had shown
with a kiss Jesus was taken away
He had did no wrong and never went astray.
They put Him on a cross
others looked on and thought all was lost
one robber confessed his sins to Christ
and He told him today you will be with Me in paradise.
Many wept and cried
the day Christ was crucified
He cried out then took his last breath,
but He knew the sins of the world as He took on death.
Christ died for you and me
and on that 3rd day rose to victory
He is here in our time of need
seek and you shall find Him when you read.
God's beloved Son
You are the only one
that overflows our empty cup
believers that repent will be called up.
All authority has been given
to the One that has risen
with all power and glory
to whom we call King Jesus in this story.

All poems are Copyright © by: Melvin Douglas McClain Jr.

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