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Music Poems

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Truly Thankful

In the morning
we will praise Your holy name
deep within our hearts
Your love we will proclaim.
Be ready
for the Lord is coming again soon
just prepare yourself
because Jesus is preparing to marry His bride groom.
I pray for the day
when all will come together as one
awaiting the arrival of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ the beloved Son.

Music From My Soul

Your love we will receive
this happens when you believe.
Seek God up above
when you are looking for love.
To have and to hold
we will reach over one million souls.
God's love will shine
and we will rejoice and have a goodtime!

A Song Of Praise

O' Lord fill my cup
and let it overflow because I am so wrapped up.
I will seek You in prayer
and one day I will get there.
I pray for a second chance
now my heart can rejoice so let's dance.
Your love always get me through
and that is why I will always love You.

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