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Generations Together in Dexter, MI

Welcome to a brief introduction to the intergenerational work done at the Intergenerational Day care facility in Dexter, Michigan. Directions to the facility may be found at - - Feel free to browse it, or stay here :)

At Dexter's Generation together ...

this is just one example of what you might see.

But here's a few more

Look interesting to you?

or what do you think of this?

Are you even more curious about the intergenerational programs at Dexter's Generations Together?

If so, please feel free to visit the facility. Call 734 426-4091 first for details ... and for your convenience - please feel free to browse the following - map and story.

It contains a map that will show you how to get to the facility. Plus it contains a short story from an intergenerational participant.

Also, you can drop a line to -

But regardless, thanks for visiting!