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Pablo Davis' Intergenerational team

The following are short bios describing those currently helping Pablo to spread the word to the community about his art and his efforts to further intergeneartonal programs in Detroit by errecting a new Intergenerational Day facility adjacent to the Pablo Davis Elder Living Center in Detroit. With the help of his friends listed below, and from Head Start, this center will provide a great service by uniting kids and senior citizens in educational activities.

Volunteer Bios

Marion Bloye is the former director of Bridging Communities Inc. She performs a wide variety of tasks in support of Pablo. She organizes both the financial and the art committees for Pablo. This includes developing an agenda, login meeting minutes, and prviding vision and experience to keep us on track toward our goals of both promoting Pablo, and getting funds to build the intergeneational center.
Gary Benjamin is co-president of the Board of Bridging Communities, Inc., an organization that Pablo helped found and still inspires. He is an attorney and interested in art who has arranged shows for Pablo at the Detroit Club and the African-American History Museum in Detroit.
Kay Brown provides both connections ot the scarab club, and she also has been of much help in a varitey of ways at our art shows. Her organizing skills have been a great asset to our group.
Pat Reed has provided valuable connections to the Scarab Club. Exhibitions by Pablo at the Scarab club have helped us reach out to a wide variety of clientelle.
Ray Hillen is the new director of Bridging Communities Inc. His expereince and connections with both art galleries, distributors, and repro shops have greatly advanced our efforts to get Pablo's art out to the public.
Mitch Meisner, an attorney from Honigman, Miller, Schwartz and Cohn, LLP, has provided valuable legal counsel in our efforts to insure and assess Pablo's work and possessions.
Rich Engle volunteers as our web master. He also provides outreach to other intergenerational organizations such as and Generations Together in both Dexter, MI and at the University of Pittsburgh, PA Generations Together. He is an electrical engineer, and his resume can be found at resumeREwlb.txt. He also bakes as a hobby
Carol Forsythe is the art restorer for the Detroit Institute of Art She provides keen insight on how to present art to the public, especially for display at galleries.
Pam Halladay is the Senior Program Officer at the Luella Hannan Foundation,, which sponsors SeniorVoice, a media production project for Seniors. She has helped us get a better focus on our goals, and has provided us with ideas for how to promote Pablo by suggesting new options for conveying our misson to the community through SeniorVoice other outreach efforts at Hannan.
Terry Shea is our financial advisor from Comerica Bank . He has also provided great suggestions for community outreach to Detroit.
Jeanine Pennington has provided us with every single digital version of the art on our site. Without her great contribution, our site would be nothing.
Pablo Davis leads our efforts with both his vision for the program, and with the immense ammount of art he has contributed for sale to raise funds for our intergenerational cause. Without him, there would be no Pablo Davis Elder Center. Further, he has supplied us with our purpose for building the new Pablo Davis Intergenrational facility.

Contact Information

The Intergenerational Comittee of
Pablo Davis and Friends
9200 West Vernor Hwy
Detroit, MI 48209