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The Story Behind The Name
This is the infamous story of how I got the nickname Peeps.
    It was the hottest day of the summer of 1999.  It was over 100 degrees.  Ryan, Brooks, Brian, and myself were going out to the point to go swimming.  Ryan drove, brooks sat in the passenger seat, and me and brian sat in the back.  It was a the recently released movie, Austin Powers 2.  Ryan and Brooks got into an argument over one of the lines of the movie.  There was confusion as to how the lines went when Dr. Evil unveiled the "giant laser," revealing it and Mini-Me humping it.  They concluded that the line went: "Mini-Me... stop humping the giant laser... Why don't you and the giant laser get a frickin' room."  The said the line a couple of times until Brooks had a brilliant idea.  Out of nowhere, he turns around and faces me and Brian, "Ricky... quit playing with your giant pee-pee..."
    That was the big thing the rest of the drive out there.  On the way home, it started again.  But by the time we made it back into town, Brooks had grown tired of saying the whole phrase and shortened it to "Pee-Pee..."  Every time I saw Brooks or Ryan after That day i was called "Pee-Pee," and since i worked with both Brooks and Ryan, I heard it an awful lot.  But at work, "Pee-Pee" wasn't something that customers should be hearing, so eventually through the course of time, it evolved into "Peeps."
    That year when school started, I wound up in a class with Brooks and Brian. They called me "Peeps" all year.  Ryan also called me that in the halls. Eventually it caught on with other people.  And so it goes... a good number of people called me "Peeps" for the final two years of high school.
    I am still called "Peeps" by the people who know that to be my nickname.

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