The Celtic Gods
Written and Researched by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska, B.F.A.

In the book Pharsalia there is mention of three Celtic dieties:

  1. Teutates - the protector of the tribes in times of war. The victims of Teutates were drowned. Teutates meant "god of the tribes."

  2. Taranis - the victims of Taranis were burnt. Taranis was akin to a sky god, like Jupiter.

  3. Esus - the victims of Esus were hanged. Esus was the all-compent and is associated with Mercury (inventor of all arts). Esus is also associated with Lugh. In Ireland, Lugh conquered the evil creatures of the other world, and was celebrated at the feast of Lugnasad held on August 1st.

The Green Man


The Green Man, Spirit of Nature


Cunliffe, Barry. The Ancient Celts. Oxford/NewYork: Oxford University Press, 1997.

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