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Deskford Church, Banffshire, Scotland
Written and Researched by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska, B.F.A.

Front of Church

Front view of the Old Deskford Church

Deskford Churchyard

Deskford Churchyard
Photo by Jennifer Ann McIntosh of Banff.


Commemorative Plaque
Photographed by Jennifer Ann McIntosh of Banff

This sign reads:

The most striking feature of this small sixteenth century church is the Sacrament House, of a type characteristic of north-east Scotland. Located in the north wall, near the east end, it was a suitably splendid place to contain the consecrated hosts. It was erected by Alexander Ogilvie of Deskford and Findlater.

The main inscription reads:

Above this are the arms and mottoes of himself and his wife, with their initials. On the sill of the recess is a text from the sixth chapter of St. John's Gospel:

Above is another text:

  • "os meum es et carto mea" (thou art my bone and my flesh." - (Genesis 29.14)

The Sacrament House donated by Alexander Ogilvie.
This is now enclosd in acrylic to avoid weather damage.

Old Deskford1

Interior Old Deskford Church


Exterior Side view of Old Deskford
Church and churchyard.
Photo by Jennifer Ann McIntosh


Tombstones in churchyard

All Photos by Jennifer Ann McIntosh


More views of tombstones and churchyard

See the New Deskford Church and links-CLICK HERE

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Owner: Raymond Sypniewski, B.S., M.A.
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This page was last updated on May 19, 2007

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