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New Deskford Church, Banffshire, Scotland
Written and Researched by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska, B.F.A.


Front of the New Deskford Church


New Deskford Church Memorial


In the glory of God and in honoured and loving memory of the men of this parish who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War 1914-1919


Alexander Cruickshank

William Duncan

Robert Farquahar

James Ingram

Donald Stewart

Alexander Taylor

Charlie Taylor of the Gordon Highlanders

William McGregor of the Black Watch

George Benzies
George Cruickshank of the Black Watch and Scottish Horse

William Murdoch of the Highland Light Infantry

Alexander Murray of the Northumberland Fusilers

Alexander Ross of the Army Service Corps

James Stephen of the Royal Naval Reserve

James Gray of the Canadian Forges

Edward Currie
Robert Wood of the New Zealand Forces

"Their Name Liveth For Everwork"


Map of Banff area ... Banffshire, Scotland GenWeb

Deskford Post Office
The Old Post Office
AB56 5YA

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Owner: Raymond Sypniewski, B.S., M.A.
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