The Dickerson Family Photos
Written and researched by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska, B.F.A.

Ermina (Crysler) and William Seward Dickerson

Photos of the Family of William Seward Dickerson

Back row L to R: Augustus Dickerson, George Dickerson, John Dickerson, Murilla Mae Dickerson
Front Row L to R: Learna Dickerson, John Dickerson on lap of father, William Seward Dickerson, Grace Lenor Dickerson on lap of her mother, Ermina (Crysler) Dickerson, Rozilla Dickerson

L to R: James, John, George, and Augustus Dickerson

Rose, Learna, Lena, May, and Grace Dickerson

Jane and John Dickerson

Learna (Dickerson) Clifford, and Llwellyn Crysler (they were first cousins) and Clifford was adopted.

Rozilla (Dickerson) Hoar, Anna Hoar, Dr. James Hoar

Rozilla (Dickerson) Hoar and daughter, Anna Hoar

Back Row: Murilla Mae (Dickerson) Buckley and Grace Lenor (Dickerson) Knight.
Front row: Byron Buckley and Charles Frank Knight.
Sisters and their husband's

Charles F. Knight and Grace (Dickerson) Knight with their dogs
My grandparents

Charles Frank Knight, my grandfather

George Dickerson

George Dickerson and his spouse

Augustus Dickerson and his wife Abie O'Connor

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