Events That Occured After the Poles Were Abandoned by the French
Written and researched by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska

The reason the non-commissioned soldiers were left in Haiti was that the French considered them traitors. Never mind that they were taken to Haiti by gunpoint. They deserted because they were both scared of their own ultimate death and because they thought the French were too brutal in their killings.



Diederich, Bernard and Al Burt. Papa DOC: The Truth About Haiti Today. New York: Avon Books, 1970.

Nabaszek, Dariuz, Thomas Biber, et al. An Illustrated History of Poland. Poznan, Poland: Podsiedlik Raniowski & Co., Ltd, 1988.

Pivka, Otto von. Napoleon's Polish Troops. Berksire, Eng.: Osprey Publishing Limited. Men-at-Arms Series, 1974.

Orizio, Riccardo. Lost White Tribes: The End of Privilege and the Last Colonials in Sri Lanka, Jamaica, Brazil, Haiti, Namibia, and Guadeloupe. New York: Free Press, 2000, 124-179.

Rogozinski, Jan. A Brief History of the Caribbean: From the Arawak and the Carib to the Present. New York: A Meridian Book, 1994.


Poland's Caribbean Tragedy: A Study of Polish Legions in the Haitian War of Independence 1802-1809 ... Poles in Haiti and Haitian Revolution


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