The Radonski Family
Written and researched by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska

Radonski, ziemia warszawska 1580 r., W. Ks. Poznanskie. Udowodnilli pochodzenie szlacheckie w Krol. Pol. 1825 r. (Paszkiewicz, Mieczyslaw and Jerzy Kulczycki. Herby Rodow Polskich/Polish Coats of Arms. London: Orbis Books, Ltd., 1990).

Felicyan Sypniewski married (2) Walentyria/Valentia Radonski of the clan Jasieneczyk, daughter of Josef Radonski and Luwika from Kerski of the Clan Jastrzebiec.


World Biographical Index

Aleksander Radonski was an author. He is mentioned in 1634 in: Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexicon: Fortsetzung and Erganzungen zu Christian Gottlieb Jochers allgemeinem Gelechrten-Lexico, worin die Scriftsteller aller Stande nach ihren vornehmsten Lebensumstanden und Schriften beschrieben werden by Christian Gottlieb Jocher. Leipzig (Bd. 3: Delmenhorst; Bd. 4-6; Bremen - 1784-1897 (7 Bde).

Dezydery Radonski (?-1858)

Faustyn Radonski (? - 1869)

Franciszek Radonski (?-1865)

Hipolit Radonski (?-1869)

Józef Radonski (?-1872)

Mikolaj Radonski (?-1863)

Tadeusz Radonski (?-1873)

Wappen Lada Radonski

Wincenty Radonski (?-1872)

Wlodzimerz Radonski (?-1871)

I am working on this page, so look for more information later.


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