Reunion in August 2001 in Wroclaw
Written and Researched by Nadia Larsen
This photo was taken in front of the Wroclaw/Breslau Town Hall. Wroclaw is situated on the confluence of the O~awa and the Odra River, in the Silesian lowlands. Wroclaw is the location of the University of Wroclaw. Most of this city has been rebuilt since 1945. Wroclaw dates back to the 9th century.
Left to right:
- My sister Mary from Israel
- My half-brother Wladek
- Myself
- My aunt Maria
- My niece Basia, daughter of Wladek.
- My mother Nina
- Yvona, daughter of my cousin Elizabeta, daughter of my aunt Maria.
- My cousin Ela
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