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The Sobieski-Stuart Dynasty 2
According to Michael, Duke of Albany
Written and researched by Margaret Odrowaz-Sypniewska, B.F.A.


This is the geneaological chart of the controversial/bogus Sobieski-Stuart Dynasty. Many have claimed descent from this line, and most did so without proofs that have satisfied modern genealogists. In Clive Cheesman's book Rebels, Pretenders, and Imposters he shows us that this is common, not just in the Sobieski-Stuart line, but in many other royal lines.

It must be noted that even if these claims are true that they would offer little concilation since there is no chance that these people would ever be considered as monarchs. These claims won't offer much more than bragging rights.

I have used readily available sources (in English) to assist anyone who thinks they might have this family connection. This chart is in no way complete, and is set here as a guideline or jumping off place. As all good genealogists must do, you must confirm your own charts through hard records such as birth certificates, death certificates, land records, marriage records, etc. I have placed Stuart lines in "red," and French lines in "blue."


Be reminded that the change in spelling from Stewart to Stuart is caused by the fact that in French there is no "W." Therefore, after the "Stewarts" were exiled to France, they became known as "Stuart."

Janina Arms

John III Sobieski was the bearer of the
Janina coat of arms.
Their motto was In hoc signo vinces,
meaning "Under this sign, you shall conquer."

This rendering is from Herby Rodow Polskich


The name Sobieski is of Polish Origin. It means one who came from Sobieski, Sobieszki, or Sobieszyn (Sobiech's settlement), the names of various villages in Poland (Smith, Eldson C. New Dictionary of American Names. New York: Gramercy Publishing Company, 1988). William F. Hoffman's book Polish Surnames: Origins and Meaning says that the root of this name ("Sob") means "self."

The Sobieski-Stuart Controversies.:

Although some of these lines are thought to be true, in part, there are a few changes in deaths of certain individuals, and the addition of what other genealogists consider "bogus" claims:

Many of these are from the mind of the self-styled Prince Michael of Albany:


More mistresses of Charles Edward Stuart/"Bonnie Prince Charls":

..... on December 26, 1785, Charles married Marguerite Maria Terese O'Dea d'Audibert de Lussan, Comtesse de Massillan (1749-1820), at Santi Apostolis in Rome, Italy. (his cousin by descent from his grand uncle King Charles II). Marguerite was the daughter of Ferdinand O'Dea, Baron of Ida and Francoise de Lussan, Comtesse de Maisillan. MOST GENEALOGISTS SAY THIS MARRIAGE NEVER OCCURED!

..... Marie Louis Henriette Jeanne de la Tour(mistress) (1725-1781), Dutchess of Montbazon. She married (1) Jules Hercule, Prince of Rohan and Duc de Montbazon (1726-1788). Jules was her first cousin (see above). Marie was the daughter of Marie Charlotte Sobieska (daughter of Prince James Sobieski). Charles and Louise had a son Charles Godefroid de Rohan who was born in July 28, 1748 and died in 1749 (6 months later).

..... Princess of Talmont (mistress). Mary Anne Louise Jablonski, was a courteson of age 47 years when Charles and her had a liason. Too old to have chilren.

Illegitimate Children of Prince Charles Edward Stuart

..... Lucy Propert was born in 1750 to the eighteen year old daughter of Squire Propert. Lucy became mistress to Edward Augustus, Duke of York, who was the son of Frederick, Prince of Wales. Lucy charged 100 guinas a night for her services. Edward died September 17, 1767 after his secret marriage to Lucy. Her son, William, was born March 15, 1768, and Lucy died in childbirth.

..... Maria Clementina (nee Sobieski) Stuart gave birth to Mary in 1761 at the Chateau de Carlsbourg, Bouillon, France. Mary was adopted by Reverend Michael Ward. Mary married Walter Bagot.

This is NOT correct because Maria Clementina died January 12, 1735. Maybe this was supposed to be Marie Louise?


Children of Jules Hercule de Rohan and Maria Louis Henriette Jeanne de la Tour

Charles Godefroid de Rohan-Stuart was born July 28, 1748 and was christened in the Church of St. Paul. This event is one on which most agree! However, Prince Michael of Albany states: His mockdeath and burial were in January 1749 in the crypt of St. Louis, but he was said to have died in England as Charles Stuart in 1820. His original coffin was opened in 1809 by Emperor Napoleon and it was empty. Thus making the fake burial seemingly a reality. Since Maria was married to her cousin Henri, this child is listed as his, since he was the legal father. Charles, who came back from the dead, was said to have married Lady Alice Mary Emily Hay on May 16, 1874. Alice was the daughter of William, 8th Earl of Erroll. However, some would like is to think he is the biological son of Charles Edward Stuart, since Maria was Charles' mistress. Children: James and Sophie Elizabeth de Rohan.

REMEMBER this is the writing of "Prince" Michael of Albany in his book. Most genealogists agree that Charles Godefroid de Rohun-Stuart died as an infant.

Children of Marguerite Marie Terese O'Dea and Prince Charles Edward Stuart

Prince Edward James Stuart (known as Count Stuarton) was born in November 15, 1786. His uncle, Cardinal Henry, was his regent. He married Maria Emmanuella Pasquin (1789-1854), in 1809, in Rome Italy. Maria was the daughter of Edouardo Guuseppe Pasquini (Italy) and Leonora Comtesse di Vaglis. Edward James Stuart died September 21, 1845, in Rome Italy.

They lived in Casa Stuardo in Rome, Italy. This house was built in 1802 by Charles Emmanuel IV, ex-king of Sardinia. The House was sold in 1892. This line goes to "HRH Prince Michael of Albany."


The Children of Edward James Stuart and Maria Pasquini

Henry Edward Benedict Stuart was born November 18, 1809, and died December 12, 1869, in Rome, Italy.

Louise Henriette Marie Stuart died of smallpox at age five. NO HEIRS

The Children of Prince Ferdinand de Rohun and Charlotte Stuart, Dutchess of Albany (1753-1789):

  1. Aglae Clementine de Rohun was born in 1781, amd died in 1825. UNMARRIED.

    However, "HRH Prince Michael of Albany" has her marrying (in 1812) Jehan de la Tour d-Auverge, and having a daughter Marie Louis de Bouillon (1812-1870). Marie was supposedly married to Jean de Jaeghere (this line again goes to "HRH Prince Michael of Albany").

  2. Marie-Victoire de Rohun was born in 1782 and died young. NO HEIRS.

  3. Marie Beatrice de Rohan (1783-1823) married Philippe d' Auvergne.

  4. General Charles Edward Maximilian Rohan-Stuart (1784-1854) was called "Count Roehestart" (a corruption of Rohan-Stuart). Charles was a soldier.

    HE DIED WITHOUT ISSUE in a coaching accident near Dunkeld. He is buried in the ruins of Dunkeld Cathedral. Even though he was married (1) to Maria Antoinette Sophie Barouni (d. 1821). and (2) to Louise Constance Smith, there were NO Heirs and the MALE LINE BECAME EXTINCT.

Another clan without merit is that of the "Angelos Apostolico Cantelmo Stuarts" Italy's claim to the Stuart line.

There was a legend that a son of Charles Edward Stuart (1720-1788) had two heirs, that lived in Scotland. This was not believed by the establishment. The claims were demolished by the press and the brothers ended their lives in dignified penury.

A "Royal Visit" was made in 1822. There was a sudden appearance of two mysterious, bearded brothers, who emerged from nowhere. They were calling themselves Sobieski Stewart and claimed to be descendants of Bonnie Prince Charlie.

One was named John Sobieski-Stolberg-Stuart, who was said to have been born June 14, 1795; the other Charles Sobieski-Stuart born June 4, 1797. They were said to be the grandsons of Charles Godefroid de Rohun-Stuart (see Generation Eight). In 1838, a Lord Lovat provided the brothers with a handsome home on an island in the Beauly River. There these two men were known as "Princes." These brothers then compiled a register of Clan tartans, which bore little relationship to historical reality. This book listed all the clan tartans which they professed to call their own. This book was called Vestiarium Scoticum, and it was allegedly based on a 16th century manuscript that was formerly in the Library of the Scots College at Douay. Other works were cited, and this book had the majority of the Scottish Clans within its covers. In 1831, James Logan published his own Scottish Gael book which is today accepted as a good source of clan histories. Also a descendant of Lord Lovat compiled his own "clan book." Lovat's book is thought to be well thought out as well.

John died February 13, 1872, while Charles died December 25, 1880. They are both buried in Eskdale Chapel. No one knows why Lord Lovat enabled the two brothers to outwardly seem to be of royal descent. However, he must have felt that they made a good showing.

There was another record that says that John and Charles had a sister, named Sophia Elizabeth Sobieski-Stuart, who was born in 1795 (which would be difficult since only 6 months had passed since her brother's birth. She would have had to been delievered after only 6 months for this to be true, unless there was another mistress. She was said to have married Lt. John Chester-Bagot in 1821. In 1872, Queen Victoria was petitioned, on behalf of the Sobieski Stuart brothers to grant them a pension. This was refused since they suggested not only that they were related to her, but inferred they had claim to her crown. She thought them to be quite cheeky.(Gibbon)

Grandtully Castle in Atholl was the Lair of the Steurts of Grandtully, another Jacobite clan.

An article appeared in the Polish Genealogical Society Newsletter (see citation below), stating that there is an American branch of the Sobieski family.

This article states: "I was born in Warsaw, Poland, September 10th, 1842. My father was Count John Sobieski, the son of James Sobieski who lost his life in the Revolution in Poland of 1830 and 1831, and a lineal descendant of King John Sobieski who is known in history as John III, being myself sixth in the direct line through the oldest sons of oldest sons of that great warrior monarch. My mother's maiden name was Isabella Bem, of the celebrated Bem family..." (PGSN, 30). Let's examine this:


Jan Sobieski's first born son was named Prince Jakub Ludwik Sobieski (1667-1736) and he married Hedwig Elizabeth Amelie de Baviere Pfalz-Neubourg (1674-1722)

Most experts agree that there are no descendants left in the patrilineal line of the Sobieski family.


This line is said to be supported by the Royal Stuart Society. However, a direct quote form their pages states:

The position of the Royal Stuart Society is clear. The direct and legitimate male line of the Royal House of Stuart ended with the death of Henry IX, Cardinal York, in 1807. After that date the Headship of the House of Stuart passed to the House of Savoy by virtue of its descent from Henrietta-Anne (1644-1670), daughter of King Charles I, and her husband Philippe, Duke of Orléans. Thereafter it passed by marriage to the House of Modena-Este and later to the House of Wittelsbach (Bavaria), with whom it rests today and the Head of which is Duke Franz. It should be noted that none of these representatives of King Charles I since 1807 has attempted to claim a British Throne. The late Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria (1869-1955) strongly discouraged supporters in the United Kingdom from making claims on his behalf.

This line descents from Charlotte Stuart (daughter of Charles Edward Stuart), Dutchess of Albany (1753-1789) and her liason with Cardinal Ferdinand de Rohan, her lover.

    From Charlotte the line goes to:

  1. Marie-Victoire de Rohan (1779-1836). However, in Marshall, p. 201, it states that Maria was born about 1782 and "died young." apparently before she could marry or produce children. This needs to be explored.
  2. Antime, Chevalier de Nikorowicz (1806-1852)
  3. Julia de Nikorowicz (1833-?) married Count Leonard Pininski. This family received its title, "Count of Galacia," from Emperor Jozef II, on December 1, 1780.
  4. Count Alexander Pininski (1864-1902) married Countess Irena Wolanska
  5. Count Mieczyslaw Pininski (1895-1945) who married Janina Zywiak in 1922.
  6. Count Stanislaw Pininski (1925- )
  7. Count Peter Pininski (1956- )

    Peter wrote a book called The Stuarts Last Secret which claims Marie Victoire as line from which he descends.

Historians agree that Charlotte probably had children, but Pininski is the first to document their identities and trace their descendants, in his book The Stuarts’ Last Secret.

Others Opinions Regarding the Pininski Book:

Owen Dudley Edwards, a history lecturer from Edinburgh University, said it was perfectly possible that Pininski was, as he claims, a descendant of Bonnie Prince Charlie.

"There have been rumours for years that Charlotte Stuart, who looked after the prince in his old age and who was claimed as his child, had children of her own," he said. "And there were rumours about Cardinal de Rohan and his involvement in affairs."

But he questioned whether Pininski had any claim to the British throne.

"This is all very interesting but it will not make one bit of difference. Elizabeth is looking very comfortable on the throne," he said.

Edinburgh-based writer Michael Stewart, who also claims to be a direct descendent of Bonnie Prince Charlie and the rightful heir to the crown of Scotland, dismissed the importance of Pininski’s claim.

The "self-styled" Prince Michael of Albany said: "There are 1,500 legitimate descendants of James VI and they all have a better claim to the throne than the Queen.

"My claim is based on primogeniture, that I came from the first born and am therefore first in line."

Click Here for more information on this line. This is on the website of Guy Stair Sainty.

Notice: The real identity of "Prince Michael" has now been exposed: he is Michel Lafosse, a Belgian, who has not connection with any royal family and he more or less invented his own relationship to this line. He has not been the first, nor the last to do this.

Pininski himself has no plans to press his claim to the throne and has declared himself satisfied by uncovering the secrets of his family. He said: "I would dearly like to stay right away from Stuart claimant-type charlatanism, because it’s not what I find interesting."

---CLICK HERE for a review of the Pininski book which can be downloaded in PDF format. This article appeared in the Jan. - Apr. 2003 edition of The Feudal Herald.



HRH Prince Michael of Albany. The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland: The True Story of the Royal House of Stewart. Boston: Element Books Ltd., 1998.

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