Written and researched by Margaret [nee Knight] Sypniewski, B.F.A.

Feastday: November 16th.

Father - Edward Atheling (b.c. 1016). Edward died in 1057 in London, England, and was buried in St. Pauls Minster, London.
Mother - Agatha of Germany
Grandfather - Edmund Ironsides (b. 989) King of England, in 1016. He married Ealdgyth Morcanson, Queen of England, in the around August 1015, in London, and died November 30, 1016, in Middlesex, England. He is buried in Glastonbury, Somerset, England.
Husband - Malcolm III, King of Scotland, Dunkeld
Children - Matilda Canmore of Scotland
...........St. David of Scotland
...........Mary Princess of Scotland
...........Millicent Princess of Scotland

Many say Margaret of Scotland ruled with "consistent humility and kindness," and that she was "one of the most remarkable monarchs in medieval Europe" ("Saint Margaret of Scotland" by Euah Macpherson,6, 24-25, 49. Mar/Apr 1999 The Highlander magazine, Vol 37, No. 2).

Margaret was born about 1045 in Hungary, while her English royal family was exiled. Margaret's grandfather was Edmund Ironsides, the English king. Her father should have been his (Edmund's) heir but Danish king, Canute, had other ideas. Her father flee to Europe to escape sure death and he was called Edward the Aetheling ("Claimant") since he still claimed the English throne. It is said that Margaret wished to be a nun as a young girl.

Edward returned to his homeland in 1057, but when the Normans invaded England, in 1066, Margaret had to flee again, this time to Scotland. Margaret's brother, Edgar, fought to oppose the Conqueror as King of England. Margaret's family was about all that remained of the Old English royal family and they were a threat to William the Conqueror's regime.

In Scotland now, Margaret won the heart of Malcolm Canmore (Malcolm III). He found her to be both intelligent and beautiful. No one knows if she returned these feelings, but they married even though Malcolm was 11 years older, not very well educated, or religious. Margaret was to be Queen of Scotland, and her children would be the rightful heirs to the thrones of both England and Scotland. The Conqueror was not happy with this match and Malcolm and Scotland were both in jeopardy.

Malcolm married Margaret at Dunfermline in 1070, a union of opposites. Margaret tempered the brutish man and he was said to have truly loved her. Her fault was the lack of understanding of Druid/Pagan beliefs that existed in Scotland. She was a devout Christian. During her time, Celtic saints such as St. Columba, Saint Kertogern, and St. Ninian were revered. Margaret worshipped St. Andrew, a Roman saint. And today St. Andrew is Scotland's patron saint.

Malcolm and Margaret turned the fort at Edinburgh into a royal castle. Margaret introduced spiced meat and French wine to the Scottish Court. She also insisted on good table manners and saying grace before meals.

Margaret helped restore the abbey at Iona, founded by St. Columba, but also founded Dunfermline Abbey as the new burial place for Scottish kings.

Margaret lay ill in bed in Edinburgh Castle (near death) while Malcolm invaded England. When she was delivered the news that King Malcolm had died at the Battle of Alnwick, she lost heart and died. The tiny church called St. Margaret's chapel is associated with the memory of the Queen.

Margaret was recognized as a saint in 1250 (more than 150 years after her death). Her shrine and relics were installed at Dunfermline on June 19, 1250. The irony of this is I was named after Margaret and I was born on June 19th (Macpherson).


  1. St. Helenus. Feast Day - August 18th
    Born circa 225 in Depanon in Bythynia, Asia Minor (now Turkey) into a lower class family. SHe died c. 328 in Nicomedia (now Turkey).
    married Constantius I Chlorus (reigned from 306-337.) He was born in 270 and died July 25, 306 at York. He was converted to Christianity.
    Helenus made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire.
    Built the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, in Nicomedia in 330.
  2. Coel II, King of Colchester and Strada ferh Cadfan.
  3. St. Constantine the Great (reigned from 306-337). He was born in 274 at Naissus in upper Moesia.
  4. St. Rusticius de Lyon (455-501)
    son of Aguilin d'Lyon.
    Bishop of Lyon
    His son Florentinus was bishop of Geneva.
  5. St. Radegund (b. 499)
    her father was Berthar Half King of Thuringia
    married King Clotaire
    son-Chalbert I, King of Paris
  6. St. Clotilde (475-545)
    daughter of Gondebaud, King of Burgundy
    married Clovis (b. 467), founder of the Merovingian, in 492/3.
    converted Clovis to Christianity in 496.
    Clotilde died and was buried Sainte-Genevieve in Paris.
  7. St Ethelbert of Kent - Feast Day February 20th.
    King of England (560-616)
    son of Eormenric, King of Kent
    married Bertha of the Franks
    Betha was the grand-daughter of King Chlodwig.
    buried in Kent, in the church of Saints Peter and Paul.
  8. St. Bertha of Paris (548-580)
    married Eadbald, King of Kent
    her ancestor us St. Clotilde.
  9. St. Begga (694)
    married Ansegilius, son of St Arnulf of Metz.
    built a convent at Andenne on the Meuse River, where she died.
    daughter of Pepin I and Itta of Metz
    mother of Pepin II, Count of Heristal
  10. St. Arnulf Bishop of Metz (635)
    son of Arnoul, the bishop of Metz and Oda Savoy
    married Doda of Saxony
    in the court of Theodebert of Austasia.
  11. St. Itta/Iduberga of Austria (652)
    parents Ausbert, senator of Moselle and Bethe
    daughters St. Beggue of Landen and St. Gertrude.
  12. St. Amoldus (550-601)
    Ansbertus Ferrrolus (Gallo-Roman Senator) and Bilichilde
    married Ode/Dode/d'Heristal who married St. Arnulf of Metz.
  13. St. Gertrude of Hamge, the Elder (d. 649)
    married Richemeres von Franconia
    daughter Gerberga de Franconia
    Abbess of Hamage Abbey, near Douai, France.
  14. St. Edwin (584-633)
    Edwin's father was King Aelli of Deira
    Married Ethelburga, daughter of St. Ethelbert, Kinf of Kent.
    father of Princess Cynewise of Northumbria
  15. St. Adalbald I de Artois (600-652)
    Adalbald's parents were Richemeres von Franconia and St. Gertrude of Hamage.
    married St. Rictrudis, who entered a convent in 643.
    He was known as Madelgarus joined the Benedictines at Haumont under the name Vincent.
    founded a monastery at Hautmont, France. Abbott at Haumont, and another at his estate in Soignies, Belgium, where he died.
    issue= Adalbald II de Artois, St. Eusibia, St. Clotsind, St. Adalsind, and St. Maurant.
  16. Saint Vincent Madelgaire de Hainault (d. 677)
    Parents - Madelgaire de Hainault and Onuguera
    Married - Wautrude dee Loomis
    issue - St. Adeltrude de Hainault, St Landericus, St Dentlin, and St Madalberta
  17. St. Walttrudis (688) - Feast Day - April 9th.
    parents - St. Walbert and St. Bertilia
    sister to St. Adelgundia
    married Vincent Madelgaire de Hainault
    issue - Adeltrude de Hainault
    sister of St. Aldegunas of Meudeuge.
    established a convent at Chateaulieu.
    established a cloister at Castrilocus (later St. Waudru) in Mons, Belgium.
    yook the veil after her husband's death, and eventually become an abbess.
    buried in Mons.
  18. St. Dagobert (679)
    son of Sigebert II, King of the Franks, and Embechilde.
    married Ragnetrude
    issue - Regintrud, St Adele of Austrasia
  19. St. Leuwinus (B. 655)
    parents - Warinis and Kunza
    Benedictine bishop
    founder of Mettlach Abbey in Germany. bishop of Trier, Germany
  20. St. Bathildis (d. 680)
    married - Clovis II, King of the Franks.
    issue - Theuderic III, King of the Franks, Clotaire III, Childeric II, and Thierry III
    founded a Benedictine convent at Chelles, and St. Denis Monastery and Corbie.
    retired to Chelles and died there on January 30, 680.
  21. St Sexburga (d. 699)
    Parents - Anna King of East Anglia, and St. Hereswitha.
    married Earconbert, king of Kent (d. 664)
    Benedictine abbess
    entered Sheppey Island convent (which she founded) before going to Elyn Abbey in 670.
    sibling of St. Etheldreda, St. Ethelburga, Erconwald, Withburga, and half-sister St. Saethryth.
  22. St. Hereswitha (d 690)
    married Anna King of East Anglia
    issue - St. Sexburga, St. Ethelreda, and St. Withburga.
    St. Hereswitha was a Benedictine and spent her last years in Chelles, France.
  23. Blessed Pepin of Landen (d. 639).
    married Itte
    issue - St Beggue, of Austrasia
  24. St. Clodulph (615-690)
    parents - St. Arnuf, Bishop of Metz and Dode/Ode de Heristal
    issue - Kunza of Metz
  25. St. Osyth (650-700)
    parents - King Frithwold of Surrey and Princess Wilburga of Mercia whose father was a pagan king called Penda of Mercia.
    married - King Sighere of Essex (b. 649) against her will.
    she wanted to become a nun.
    issue - Princess Osyth of Essex.
    slain by Danish raiders.
  26. St. Ethelburga (d. 647)
    married St. Edwin of northumbria
    issue - Princess Cynewise of Northumbria.
  27. St. Anglibert (740-814)
    married Bertha of Holy Roman Empire
    died February 18, 814, some years later his body was found to be incorrupt.
  28. Blessed Charlemange (d. 814)
    parents - Pepin III the Short, King of France, and Berthe, Countess of Leon/Laon.
    married many times
  29. St Ida (Redburga) d'Autun of Herzfeld (770-840)
    parents - Makhir (Thiery d'Autun, and Auda Aldane Martel.
    married - Egbert I, King of England (802-839)
    issue - AEthelwulf, King of England (839-858); Warin was a monk at Corvey.
    founded Westphalia convent at Herzfeld, after moving from her estate in Hofstadt.
  30. St Edgar, the Peaceful, King of England (943-c. 975)
    parents - Edmund I, the Magnificent, King of England.
    married Elfrida
    issue - Ethelred II, the Unready, King of England: and St. Edith of Wilton
    patron of St Dunstan
St David of Scotland

David I became King of Scotland in 1124. Like his mother, Margaret, he was deeply religious. David gave money to found great abbeys such as Melrose, Jedburgh, and Holyrood. He invited Augustinian and Cistercian monks to join the Benedictines already in Scotland. St. David's Day is May 24th.


Jockle, Clemens. Encyclopedia of Saints. London: Alpine Fine Arts Collection, Ltd., 1995.

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Last updated on February 21, 2016