Tanner in the Census
Written and researched by Margaret [nee Knight] Sypniewska, B.F.A.

1790 Census - Washington County, New York:


Head of Family Free White Males - 16 years and up Free White Males Under 16 Free White Females
Thomas Tanner 1 1 1
Thomas Tanner, Jr. 1 1 1
Benjamin Tanner 1 1 4
Mary Tanner 1 ... 1
Nathan Tanner 1 ... 2


Head of Family Free White Males - 16 years and up Free White Males Under 16 Free White Females
John Tanner 1 ... 1
Joshua Tanner 2 3 3

1790 Census - Queens County, New York:


Head of Family Free White Males - 16 years and up Free White Males Under 16 Free White Females
Benjamin Tanner 1 ... 1

1790 Census - Westchester County, New York:


Head of Family Free White Males - 16 years and up Free White Males Under 16 Free White Females
David Tanner 1 1 1
Rueben Tanner 1 ... 2

1790 Census - Montgomery County, New York:


Head of Family Free White Males - 16 years and up Free White Males Under 16 Free White Females
Jacob Tanner 2 ... 6

1790 Census - Dutchess County, New York:


Head of Family Free White Males - 16 years and up Free White Males Under 16 Free White Females
Job Tanner 5 2 4

1790 Census - Columbia County, New York:


Head of Family Free White Males - 16 years and up Free White Males Under 16 Free White Females
John Tanner 2 ... ...
Thomas Tanner 3 1 3

1790 Census - Albany County, New York:


Head of Family Free White Males - 16 years and up Free White Males Under 16 Free White Females
Joseph Tanner 1 2 4


Head of Family Free White Males - 16 and up Free White Males Under 16 Free White Females
Nathan Tanner 1 3 3
Palmer Tanner 1 2 3
Abel Tanner 1 ... 5

1790 Census - New York County, New York:


Head of Family Free White Males - 16 years and up Free White Males Under 16 Free White Females
John Tanner 1 4 3

New York (1850) census:

  1. Benjamin Tanner 42 Farmer $2000 New York
  2. Mary O. Tanner 40........................"
  3. Alma Tanner 17........................"
  4. Sarah C. Tanner 10........................"
  5. Mary O. Tanner 12........................"
  6. Henrietta Tanner 11........................"
  7. Anna Tanner 3........................"
  8. Cyrus Tanner 6 months................."

Phelps Township, Ontario County, New York 1850 census:

Name Age Sex Occupation Value real estate Value Possessions Birthplace Years Married School
William M. Tanner 43 M W Miller ... New York ...
Maria Tanner 40 F W ... ... New York ...
William M. Tanner 14 M W student ... New York ...
Alma Tanner 5 F W ... ... New York ...
William Webb 25 M W Laborer ... New York ...
Elizabeth A. Tanner 1 F W ... ... New York ...
Ellen M. Tanner 3 F W ... ... New York ...

I found a Leonard Burnam married to a Mary Ann Tanner on December 30, 1827. They have a son Russell Burnam Tanner. This is the only time the name Russell appears in Dickerson or Crysler records, except for James Russell Dickerson, brother of my grandmother Grace Lenor Dickerson. I wonder if this was who my father was named after? His middle name, Martin, came from his uncle and grandfather Crysler.

    In 1850 Gorham, Ontario County, New York Census:

  1. p. 265...Abraham Dickason (Dickerson) .... age 52 .... Laborer ... B: New York
  2. ..........Caroline Dickason................ age 38 .................B: "
  3. ..........Riley Tanner..................... age 9 ..................B: "
  4. ..........David Dickason................... age 17 .................B: New York.
  5. And at the house next door I found:

    ..............Jacob Thomas..................... age 50...................

  6. ..........Lucy Thomas...................... age 47...................
  7. ..........Mary E. Tanner................... age 17 (Caroline's Daughter)

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