The Crysler Family in the U.S.A.
Written and researched by Margaret Odrowaz Sypniewski
"A total of 3,200 Palatine Germans left England in the spring of 1710 on 12 small ships. The Lion of Leith was the first to arrive on June 13, 1710. It was followed the next day by the Lowestoffe, carrying the British Magistrate, Governor Hunter. On July 7, the frigate Herbert wrecked off Block Island. Seven more ships arrived prior to July 10. They were the Fame, Mary, Hartwell, Baltimore, James and Elizabeth, Sarah, and the frigate Tower. The Midford arrived after July 12, and the Berkley Castle arrived on August 12, 1710. Sickness and disease caused the death of 470 passengers along the way (Chrysler, 2)
Generation Four::
Johann Phillip Kruessler was born at Guntersblum, Niederneisen, Germany; in 1670; and baptized at Flacht-on-the-Aar in Nassau, Germany on January 26, 1679 (another source says August 26, 1672).
Johann Phillip Kreussler married Anna Caterina Braun (daughter of Benedict Braun) circa 1726. Anna was a teacher at Udenheim, and two children were indentured to the English Crown, in order to have the funds to emigrate to the New World. His neighbor, Gerhert Schaeffer of Hilbert in the Lahnthal, signed the papers as witness to Johann Phillip Kruessler's good character. Three warships of the royal navy transported them to New York. The Early Eighteenth Century Palatine Emigration by Walter Allen Knittle, PhD and printed in Philadelphia by Dorrance and Company, shows the Crysler family as embarking in the Third Party from June 5 to June 10, 1709. In this book, they are listed as "Johannes Griesler, wife and three children."
They also appeared on the "New York Subsistence List". On the Simmendinger Register they are listed as:
- Johann Philipp Kreuszler and Anna Catherine with three Chilldren
"Johann Philipp Greisler 2-2(1710)(two adults, 2 children), 4-0"(September 1712)(four adults)
"Peter Griesler 3-1 (1710), 2-2 (1712)."
I do not know how these two families relate, if at all. Peter's wife is listed as Anna Lucia. They arrived in June 1710. The British promised Johann Phillip and his family free transportation, forty acres of land, money, clothes, utensils, and tools if they would establish a farm in the new colonies. Upon arrival, their name was listed as Crysler in some Schoharie records.
Later on, many Cryslers were loyalists in the American Revolution, so their land was forfeit and their property was taken away (for siding with the British). Johann Hieronymous Kreisler led raids, as did his eldest son, Adam Crysler.
Johann Phillip Kruessler married Anna Catherine Braun, the daughter of Benedict Braun, (B: abt. 1680) on April 26, 1701, in Germany. Where he was a weathy lumberman. Anna was born in 1670 in Uden-helm, Budingen. Anna died in the Province of New York before November 1733 and was buried in Loonenburg (Lunenburg) (Athens), NY,(before 1783) which was located about 11 miles north of West Camp.
Johann is listed in Palatine Heads of Families as Johann Phillip Greisler (N) (FTM CD267 - Book of Names Relating to early Palatines, 68)
Children of Johann Phillip Kruessler and Anna (Generation Five):
- Johann George Kruessler was baptized April 30, 1702 in Guntersblum, Lower Palatinate Germany. Johann George Kreystler was conferred on Easter 1714 at Newton (West Camp Lutheran Church). Johann married Christina Stryde (Streit). He came with his parents to the New World in 1709.
John (Johann) George is listed in the 1710 census of the West Camp, New York, as age 11.
Children of Johann George and Christina Crysler (Generation Six):
- (1)Phillip Crysler (bapt. December 27, 1724)
- (2)Johann Friederich Crysler married Catharina May, daughter of Pieter May , on August 13, 1751 (Loonenburg Lutheran Church)
- (3)Magdalena Crysler (baptized as Marlene on January 26, 1729)
- (4)Nicolaus Crysler (February 8, 1731) married Anna Maria May M'Dagna;
- (5)Catharina(March 5, 1733-?) married Hannes Schram on December 17, 1749
- (6)Christina Crysler (B: May 24, 1735) married William Welsh
- (7)Maria Crysler (B: July 26, 1737)
- (8)Gertraud Crysler(B: November 27, 1739) married Hans Konig on July 18, 1763
- (9)Petrus Crysler
- (10)Elisabetha (B: January 6, 1743)
- Johannes Kruessler was born on December 2, 1703, in Guntersblum, in the Lower Palatinate Germany (see next generation). Johannes is listed in the 1710 census for the West Camp, New York as age 7 (CD267-FTM). Johannes is the ancestor of Walter Perry Crysler/Chrysler. Johannes was confirmed on Easter 1717, in Newtown. Johannes attended the Red Hook Lutheran Church from April 5, 1749 to his death(?)Johannes married Eva Catherina Monk (Manck) in 1725. Eva Catharina married (1) Johannes Martin, who was baptized on September 10, 1702 in Eisenmorth, Germany., and her third husband was Valentin Kuhn, son of Johann Conrad Martin. Johann Conrad Martin was listed as 2-1 (1710), and 2-0 (September 1712). Valentin was the widower of Ann Catherine Weis (b. 1690 in Germany).
Eva's father was Jocob Manck.
- Johann Henrich Valentin Kruessler was baptized in New York City on September 14, 1710 (this could be another family) He died in infancy.
In 17ll, the family moved up the Hudson River about 90 miles to the settlement at West Camp, New York. Johann Phillip and Anna Catherina helped establish the West Camp Lutheran Church there.
- Margaretha Crysler B: 1711 in New York, She married Peter Sutz.
- Johann Hieronymous Kruessler was born March 6, 1713 in Rhinebeck Dutchess (, 24) and baptised at the West Camp Lutheran Church on March 8, 1713. His sponsors were Hieronymus Klein and Johann Planck, Hieronymous was conferred on April 15, 1729 at Newton (New York Lutheran Church). Between 1740-1742, Hieronymous moved to Schoharie. In 1742 Hieronymous bought land in S.E. New Dorlach (Seward), on April 16, 1744. Jeronymous Crysler, William Bouck, and Frederick ___ purchased 12,000 acres of land from the Indians for 30 pounds. Hieronymous Crysler was appointed Lietenant by Governor Clinton to fight against the French and Indians. Hieronymous developed 80 acres and built his home in Fultonham, 10 miles south of Schoharie. Jeronimus (Hieronymous) was appointed Elder of Lutheran Church of Dominie Peter N Somers at Schoharie on May 1, 1749. Hieronymous died on September 21, 1751 in Schoharie. We know he had a daughter, Elizabeth, who was baptised on June 5, 1737, later the family moved to Schoharie Valley, in 1740. Johann Hieronymous Kruessler married Maria Margaretha Brown in October 16, 1731 (Bauch?). They moved to Canada in 1787 and had thirty acres in Borst's Patent on Cobus Hill, which he acquired from his stepfather (William Bough/Bauch). His widow, Maria Margaretha married (2) Michael Hilsinger on November 7, 1752. Maria Margaretha died June 30, 1753.
Children of Hieronymous/Jeronimus and Maria Margaretha(Generation Six)
- (1)Adam Crysler was born in 1732 in West Camp, Green County, New York. Adam married Anna Marie (Hoover)
Braun on July 10, 1760. Anna Marie had two children by her first husband Balthus Brandt, a Native American. Adam was born in West Camp, Green County, New York in 1732 (Talman, PhD., James J., Loyalist Narratives From Upper Canada. Toronto: The Champlain Society, 1946). In 1768, Adam Crysler became an ensign in the militia. By 1729 he was a Lieutenant. Adam died on September 15, 1793 on his farm in Niagara Township. Adam is the famous loyalist who fought with Joseph Brant (Mohawk Captain). Adam was on the list of Estates Confiscated after October 21, 1779 (FTM CD 132-Selected New York Revolutionary War Records 1775-1840). Adam Crysler was in charge of Indian affairs.
For more information about the Schoharie settlement and Germans see my Iroquois League Timeline.
- (2)Balthus/Balthasar Crysler married Elisabetha Baxter Johnson on February 12, 1767 and they lived south of Middleburg. Balthasar was executed early in the war. He is listed as a British Prisoner of War (FTM, CD 132 - Selected New York Revolutionary War Records, 1775-1849).
Their children were: John, Elizabeth, Adam, and Richard.
- (3)Phillip Crysler married Elisabetha Braun (a cousin?) on November 19, 1762, (Schoharie Lutheran Church Records) and he was a loyalist (Tory) like his brothers. When he was 25 years old, he purchased 50 acres and built a blacksmith shop. John Crysler, son of Phillip, was born on July 24, 1770.
John Crysler, son of Phillip, owned the Crysler farm during the battle of 1813. He was born on July 24, 1770. He was a Captain in the Canadian Dundas militia, at the time of the battle, on November 11, 1813 ( information about John was submitted by Geoff Chrysler of Canada). Philip was listed as Philip Christler on the listing of estates confiscated along with Balthasar and Adam, his brothers.
- John Pliny Crysler was the son of John and grandson of Philip. John Pliny was a timber merchant. He built Crysler Hall, a Greek revival style home, which is now part of the Upper Canada Village (see link below)
- (4)Elisabetha Crysler was born on March 8, 1737. (bapt: June 5, 1737 at Schoharie)
- (5)Catharina Crysler
- (6)Margaretha Crysler (Bpt: March 8, 1743) married John Temple on August 14, 1774 at Schoharie.
- (7)Johannes Crysler (B: December 18, 1744) married Dorothy Myers of Schaharie. He was a Captain in Jacob Sternberger's Company at Schoharie in 1767. John (was the son of Johannes) was a loyalist drummer and Ranger in Butler's Rangers during the Revolutionary War. He was Col. in the War of 1812. Johannes settled in Canada, near his brother Phillip after the Revolutionary was, then turned to Schoharie, New York, in 1789.
- (8)Wilhelm Crysler (B: November 10, 1746)
- (9)Maria Crysler (B: October 1748) married Johannes Bouck on July 15, 1771
- (10)George (B: October 13, 1750). A George Cysler was listed as a private in Colonel Jacob Klock's Regiment, the second Tryon County Militia in the Revolution.
- Anna Catherina Kruessler was born in the West Camp on October 13, 1714 and baptized on October 17th. She married Gabriel Graad, son of Johannes of Katteway; on December 11, 1722 at the Catskill Dutch Reform Church.
- Anna Elizabeth Crysler was born in 1716 at West Camp. She died on February 7, 1780. He was married to John William Bouck on September 14, 1742 at the Catskill Dutch Reform Church. William Bouck owned "Bouck's Island." The Bouck family built a gristmill and ran the farm on Breakabeen's Creek. Their grandson, William C. Bouck, became Governor of New York from 1842-1844. He built a mansion on Bouck Island (5 miles south of Middleburg, across from Adam Crysler's old home).
In The Simmendinger Register by Ulrich Simmendinger; Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. 1978 edition from the original made in 1709, we find the following listings of persons related to names found in the Kruessler family:
In Raritan, New Jersey: Paulus Braun and his wife.
In Beckman's Land: Johann Phillip Kreuszler and Ann Catharine and 3 children.
Peter Kreuszler and Anna Lucia with three children.
Jacob Manck and Ann Margaretha (see below).
In New Queensbury: Johannes Keszler and his wife Maria Margaretha and 3 children.
Generation Five
Johannes Greisler (Kruessler) was born abt. 1703 in the German Lahntthal, probably at Flacht or Niederneisen-on-the-Aar. Johannes was confirmed on Easter 1717 at Newton, West Camp Lutheran Church, The family joined the Red Hook Lutheran Church on April 5, 1749.By 1739, Johannes was living in Kistatom, New York.
Children of Johannes Greisler/Crysler and Eva Catherina Manck(Gen. Six):
- Ann Margaretha Kreissler was born on July 25, 1726 and baptized in September at Loonenburg Church. She married Nicolas Raun.
- Wilhelmus Kreissler was born on July 26, 1727 in East Camp, Columbia County, New York. He married Catherina Shours/Schauer in 1754, in the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack. Katie was the daughter of Johann Adam Schauer (son of Michael Schauer and Magdelena) and Maria Elizabeth Fritz (daughter of Jurg Wilhelm Fritz and Reusmond) Adam Schauer was born August 14, 1701 in Massenbach, Germany. Her parents were married April 3, 1720 in Claverach, New York. Catherina was born September 25, 1735 in New York, and was baptized on January 22, 1736 in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck, New York. Wilhelmus died in 1808 in Echo Creek, Schoharie, New York.
- Johannes Kreisler was baptised on December 1, 1729 and baptized on January 26, 1730 in Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg, New York. He married Suzanna Stickel. Johannes was a deserter from Captain Arnout Viele's Company in 1757.
- Elizabetha Kreisler was baptised on March 9, 1732 in Catskill Reformed Dutch Church. She married Johannes Trumm/Drumm.
- Ann Margareta Kreisler was born on August 2, 1733 and baptized October 14, 1733 at Kisketam at home. She married John Teylsle on August 14, 1776 in Schoharie. Another husband might have been William Schauer.
- Catherina Kriessler was born on May 23, 1735; and baptized on March 31, 1735 at Kisket, Zion Lutheran Chuurch of Loonenburg, New York. Catherine married Herman Kuhn, son of John Valentin Kuhn.
- Martje (Mary Jane) Kreissler was born on May 16, 1736 and baptized June 19, 1736 at Kisketam, at their home. This baptism was recorded in Zion Lutheran Church, Loonenburg, New York. May Jane married John ?
- Matthus (Matthew) Kreissler was born on August 13, 1737; and baptized on August 21, 1737, in Kisket, Zion Lutheran Church of Loonenburg, New York. He married Carolina Boys on August 15, 1759.
- Henrich Kreissler (ancestor of Walter P. Chrysler - Auto Baron) was born on September 24, 1739 and baptized on October 24, 1739 in St Paul's Eval. Lutheran Church, Rhinebeck. Henrich married Dorothea Klein(Klom)and they joined the Red Hook Lutheran Church on June 4, 1757.
- Anna Greissler (spelling in error) was baptized in St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Rhineland on March 2,1742.
- Leonora/Elenora Catherina Kreissler was baptized on December 24, 1743/5 in the German Reformed Church of Rheinback, New York.
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