Polish Dress Through the Ages - 3


Left to right: (All 14th century, except the last); Townsman; a magnate; gentleman; judge; rich townsman, second half of the 15th century.


Left to right: Two Lithuanian peasants, three noblemen, last quarter of the century; peasant from the outskirts of Kalisz; townsman, end of the century.


Left to right: Stephen Bathory, king of Poland 1575-1586; a municipal magistrate of Kazimerrz; Stanislaw Zolkiewski, chief hetman of Poland; daughter of a magnate; Roman Sanguszko, marchal of Lithuania, end of the century.


Left to Right: Lithuanian peasant woman; three noblemen; peasant from the environs of Krakow; nobleman; mountaineer from the Carpathians; peasant from the palatinate of Lublin.

These wonderful costumes are from:

Racinet's Full-Color Pictorical History of Western Costume by Auguste Racinet. New York: Dover Publications, Inc. These are copyrighted 1987. However, since this is not a money-making page, these are able to be shown. Please do not use these for any commercial reason. Thank you.


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