Colonial Salem, MA.
Written and researched by Margaret nee Knight Sypniewski

The Mayflower Compact (1620) was an agreement made to establish a civil body of political leaders to run the colonies:

"In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, e&.

Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.

In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620."

The Abigail:

Eight years, after the signing of the Mayflower Compact, the New England Company, dispatched the ship Abigail on June 1628. The Abigail carried some forty immigrants under the leadership of John Endecott (1588-1665) to New England. Francis Higginson wrote about his trip across the Atlantic:

"the sea roared and the waves tossed us horridly ... it was fearful dark and the mariners made us afraid with their running here and there, and there was loud crying one to another to pull this or that rope." The ship's captain was Henry Goding on this 1628 voyage.

Roger Williams and the Bartholomews of Salem:

By the early 1630s, the Salem minister, Roger Williams (1604-1683), told the Massachusetts authorities that they had not gone far enough in separating themselves from the Church of England and the king. To avoid arrest, Williams fled from Salem and founded Providence, Rhode Island, in 1636. Roger Williams died in 1683, and was buried in a poorly marked grave at his home in Providence. In the year 1739, some workman accidently broke into his coffin, exposing his bones. Then in 1860 [177 years after his burial], Stephen Randall, a descendant of Rodger's, ordered the body to be exhumed and transferred to a more suitable place with a new tombstone. The workmen found only a few rusted nails and scraps of rotten wood. What is unusual is that Roger's body is now on display in the Rhode Island Historical Society, in Providence. It seems that his gravesite was near an apple tree, and that the tree took the shape of John William's body. The branches grew into his coffin and around his entire body. The tree literally absorbed his body over the years, and became his new coffin (Lyon, 84).

Salem, Massachusetts was the home of Henry Bartholomew (1607-1692), brother to my ancestor, William Bartholomew. They were the sons of William Bartholomew and Friswide Metcalfe. William Bartholomew, Jr. (1641-1697) was a member of the legislative branch of the Massachusetts General Court. In the year 1692, William was in Woodstock. He married Mary Johnson (1642-1705). William and Mary had five children. He was a carpenter, surveyor, and operated a sawmill. William owned a lot of land in Woodstock.

Salem was originally called Naumkeag by the Indians. In the History of Salem, it states that the officers of this settlement were orderly of conduct. "The New England Company, by special committees and in general meetings, had vainly endeavored to decide how and where the plantation should be located, and wisely referred the whole manner with full authority to Governor Endecott and a committee to be chosen to assist him therein."

Governor John Endecott:

John Endecott came from Dorchester (in one account) and arrived in Salem in September 1628. He was elected assistant in 1630. He was promoted to Colonel in 1636. In building the town, Governor John Endecott of Devonshire, England, and the Massachusetts Bay Company (established in 1629), began to enlarge the town of Salem. Governor Endecott was requested to take the advice of Thomas Graves of Gravesend, Kentshire, England; a man who was able to survey and lay the land. Each person was to be given land of equal proportions. Governor Endecott was ordered to allot lands to those who sent over servants or cattle in the several ships in 1629. If anyone was unhappy with their land, they were allowed to later exchange their land, after the first two hundred acres were distributed. A man could build his home on this land.

Before Endecott, the town was led by Roger Conant. Endecott extended the colony's jurisdiction to include Merrymont (later Quincy, MA.) when he personally cut down Thomas Morton's Maypole, which was seen as a pagan symbol.

Burial place of John Quincy Adams

Each person, that came to this colony, came over at his own expense and was an adventurer in common stock and had been given 50 acres of land for each individual in his family. The Reverend Francis Higginson wrote a small brochure that read: "There is hardly a more healthful place to be found in the world that agreeth better with our English bodies" and "a sup of New England's air is better than a whole draft of Old England's ale."
A few months after writing those words, Higginson died, but most newcomers survived.

Endecott was ranked much like a governor and was succeeded by John Winthrop in October 1629, even though Winthrop did not arrive until 1630. Endecott then worked as Governor Winthrop's assistant and chief military advisor. He was deputy-governor in 1641, and governor in 1644, 1649, 1651, 1652, 1653, and from 1655 to 1664. He was major-general from 1645-1648. John died in Boston on March 15, 1665 (at age 76).

In 1629 many Puritans came from Suffolk, Lincolnshire, and Yorkshire, England. Many were related to those who came on earlier ships to New England. Isaac Johnson was said to be the brother-in-law to the Earl of Lincoln, and his children would marry into the Bartholomew line. The Earl of Lincoln's sister, Arabella, even had a ship named after her. The Arabella reached Massachusetts Bay on June 10, 1630.

John Endicott's first wife was (1)Anna Gover/Glover. Ann died shortly after 1628. He married (2)Elizabeth Gibson on August 18, 1630.

John Endicott's son, John Endicott, Jr. was a freeman in 1665. John Jr. married Elizabeth Houchin, daughter of Jeremy Houchin of Boston, Massachusetts.

John, Sr's other son was Zerubbabel Endicott. Zerubbabel lived in Salem and was a freeman in 1665, and died in 1684. His children were: John, Samuel, Zerubbabel, Jr., and five daughters. Zerubbabel married the widow of Rev. Antipas Newman.

According to the Bible: Zerubbabel was born in Babel. He was the head of the tribe of Judah at the time when they returned from captivity in Babylon, in the first year of Cyrus. Zerubbabel was later known as "the prince," on the issuing of the "Cyrus Decree," was eventually the ruler of Jerusalem. It is interesting the Salem came from the name Jerusalem, and that one of its prominent citizens named their son Zerubbabel.

Zerubbabel was in the service of the King of Babylon and thus received the Chaldee name, Sheshbazzar. He then was made governor of Judea by appointment of the Persian king. All this is too ironic! John Endecott's family was similar to the family of Zerubbabel. Arriving in Jerusalem [Salem}, Zerubbabel began to rebuild a temple. However, he was more seriously engaged in building his own costly house which took Zerubbabal sixteen years. After his home was completed, Zerubbabel took his temple work more seriously.

It seems that Zerubbabel Endicott's name went to his head, because he began to accuse Mary [nee Perkins] Bradbury of many trumped up crimes. One being that her swine attacked him and his brothers one day while riding their horses. The pig was never eaten in Jewish law because it was considered an "unclean" mammal. Why? because it had coven hoofs. Animals with coven hoofs were thought to be associated with the devil. As early as 6,000 B.C., the boar was one of the gods of the underworld in my pagan cults. This alone might have set a seed into their minds? However, in Scotland, the boar is the symbol of St. Andrew, and many coats of arms have the boar as their symbol.

The Endicott's were related to the "Witch Bitches" or accusers of the majority of the tried and hanged "Witches."

Samuel Endecott, the grandson of Governor John Endicott, and his brother Zerubbabel were two of the accusers of Mary [nee Perkins] Bradbury, who was arrested as a witch on May 26, 1692.

Click Here to read more about the accusations against Mary [Perkins] Bradbury.

Luckily, Mary Perkins was allowed to return to her family on Friday, May 12, 1693. Mary had many supporters who testified against the accusations of the Endicott grandsons.

William Bartholomew and William Lord:

Salem, Massachusetts was then laid out between the North and South rivers. Essex Street was originally an Indian path. The town was built with Essex Street as the main path through town.

William Lord's daughter Ann married William Bartholomew. William Lord is mentioned as living there in Salem in 1634. Henry Bartholomew was in Salem, MA. in 1663. Both these men were prominent in governing the town, and town records show them attending town meetings in 1643-1650. William Lord and Henry Bartholomew were constables in Salem too.

Henry Bartholomew:

Henry Bartholomew came from London, England, when he was 29 years old. He arrived in New England, on November 7, 1635, and he settled in Salem. Henry was a Representative (in 1635) and for eighteen years afterwards. William Bartholomew settled in Ipswich after coming to Massachusetts on the Griffin. Henry was a merchant who lived in Salem, except for 1679-1681, when he lived in Boston, Massachusetts. Henry was born about 1607 and died on November 22, 1692. Henry was married to Elizabeth Scudder. Elizabeth was the daughter of Thomas Scudder and Elizabeth Lowers. The Scudder family was another prominent Salem family. Thomas Scudder was from Horton Kirby, Kent County, England. He came to New England in 1638, and he was a proprietor in Salem.

Children of Henry and Elizabeth were:

  1. Elizabeth Bartholomew was baptized May 8, 1641, and died young.
  2. Hannah Bartholomew was baptized on February 12, 1642/3 and married (A) James Brown (B) Dr John Swinerton.
  3. John Bartholomew was baptized on November 10, 1644.
  4. Eleazer Bartholomew was baptized July 29, 1649.
  5. Abraham Bartholomew was baptized October 6, 1650.
  6. Abigail Bartholomew was baptized on October 6, 1650, and married Nehemiah Willoughby.
  7. William Bartholomew was baptized October 2, 1652.
  8. Elizabeth Bartholomew was baptized July 2, 1652 and married John Pilgrim.
  9. Henry Bartholomew, Jr. was baptized on May 10, 1657 (a merchant) and member of the First Church in Boston, and he married Katherine ? They had no children, but adopted a daughter, Katherine, who married a ? Walker before 1694.
  10. Sarah Bartholomew was born on November 29, 1658 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts and christened on December 6, 1658.

Henry Bartholomew's Land Purchases:

Henry's lake was called "Bartholomew Pond." Bartholomew Pond was surrounded by "Bartholomew Rocks" and "Bartholomew Woods." Henry's land was located about four (4) miles outside of the city of Salem. On May 14, 1645, Henry Bartholomew was seated in the General Court with Captain William Hathorne, as Deputy. Captain Hathorne was the ancestor of Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) the author of Twice Told Tales (1831), The _Scarlet Letter_ (1850), and _The House of Seven Gables_ (1851/1852).

Richard Bartholomew was an unmarried merchant. Richard's brothers: Henry Bartholomew, William Bartholomew, Thomas Bartholomew, Abraham Bartholomew, and his sister Sarah Bartholomew, all lived in Salem. Richard died on a trip back to London, England in the spring of 1646.

Henry Bartholomew and seven others were commissioners of the eight towns within the county. They met in Salem on March 31, 1652, and elected Major Dan Denison and Captain William Hathorne for the office of magistrates for the county courts of Essex. Salem became an important fishing center. In 1641, 300,000 codfish were caught and shipped back to England. Massachusetts also became a shipbuilding center.

My Cooper, Dickerson, Paine and Hart Families:

Benjamin Cooper, uncle of Philemon Dickerson was a freeman in 1641. Benjamin Cooper lived in Salem, and died there in 1644. Benjamin's son(?) was a shoemaker, in Salem, and died in 1660. Benjamin came on the Mary Anne of Yarmouth, England. The Mary Anne was commanded by William Goose of Salem, Massachusetts. William married the sister of William Towne, father of three accused Salem "witches." Cooper came with his nephew Philemon Dickerson. Philemon was the indentured servant of Benjamin.

From the Mary Anne ship's passenger's log:

Philemon Dickerson would later marry Mary Paine, the daughter of Thomas Paine. Philemon{ language of origin is Old Greek, and it is predominantly used in English and German. Philemon is of the meaning 'beloved'] came from the Parish of Dewsbury, West Riding, York County, England, and settled in Salem.

SEE The Dickerson Family - Table of Contents FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THIS FAMILY


Thomas Paine came on the Mary Ann. Thomas was a weaver, and he lived in Salem.

From the Mary Anne ship's passenger's log:


John Hart (b. 1595) came on the William and Frances originally in 1632. He then returned to England for a short time, and then returned on the James in 1635. John was admitted to the Salem church on September 30, 1638. John Hart was a shipwright and innkeeper. His first wife was Mary? and his second wife was Florence ?He then moved to Marblehead in 1648, and died in 1656. John Hart's descendants later married into the Bartholomew line, in Ohio. A Thomas Hart, Jr. was born in Ipswich (1641-1717) and died in Ipswich. He served in King Philip's War and was a tanner and farmer. He was called "Sergeant Thomas." John married Mary Norton (1643-1689) in 1664. They had eight children.


William Goose owned 50 acres in Salem, Massachusetts.



Koch, H.W. History of Warfare. New York: Gallery Books, 1991.

Lyon, Ron and Jenny Paschall. Beyond Belief: Bizarre Facts and Incredible Stories From All Over the World. New York: Villard Books, 1993.

Maddocks, Melvin and the editors of Time-Life Books. The Atlantic Crossing [as part of the "Seafarers Series"]. Alexandria, VA.: Time-Life Books.

Peloubet, editor, F.N. & M.A. The Dictionary of the Bible was originally written by William Smith, L.L.D.

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