Faith For Answers

Today I sit here grateful to God for answers to prayer. I have many needs right now and it was as if when I began asking for the salvation of the world, my own world seemed to fall apart. This has an adverse effect on your faith level. Nothing seemed to be going well. I know the devil wants me to quit, but I don't intend to. So my sales fell off. I was working hard and getting no where. I watched the bills pile up. I went looking for work, but there isn't much out there, so no one has called. I would wake with a heavy feeling knowing the grandchildren were coming and there wasn't much for them to eat. I saw my vehicle falling apart with each new day and nothing I could do about it. I made just enough for gas and a few things to eat. All this time I am praying, reading my bible, seeking answers, doing my confessions, and wondering why God isn't answering.

Then it hit me! I started a website for prayer and if the anointing of God is on it, then I will get answers from it. So I emailed myself for prayer and I ask anyone who reads this to pray for me as well. I know this is an attack because I am trying to do right, so I am taking authority over it in the name of Jesus, and I am praying for that email as I would pray for yours if you wrote to me. I first checked to make sure I was right with God, and I asked his forgiveness if I have done something. If he will reveal anything to me I will do my best to make it right. I even started work related counseling with a professional.

So having covered all the bases, the email was the last step. I know now that the anointing is on this website because I felt immediate peace. My situation is in God's hands and I can't think of any other place I would have it. I know that if this is a learning lesson I want to understand and respond correctly, and most of all, learn what he wants me to learn. See, just because you have been a believer for years doesn't mean that you will be free of problems. It just means you know where to look for answers to those problems. I am open to God's will, whatever that will might be.

So I trust that my answer is on the way and I can have peace as I go on praying for others and job hunting for myself. The word promises he will be there when I call, so he knows our situation and he has the answer to it. I don't. I will just do all the logical things to make it better and let the results fall to him. If he wants me to do more, then I know he will show me. I apply everywhere I hear that they are taking applications and have a job coming. I work at home and spend my time with God daily. The only one who wants me to fail is the devil and it won't happen because that would bring him too much glory. I want only God to get glory from my life, but I am human and that isn't always the case. I fail just like everyone else does. The word has promised that he has never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread. That includes me.

I know my answer is on its way. Thank you, Jesus. I am yours and you are mine. You are the vine and I am simply a branch attached to you. I can not live without you to keep me going, so all that I am or ever hope to be is entirely in your hands. I am your workmanship, not mine. Clean me, shape me, mold me and make me into what you want me to be. Thank you, Lord.

I look back over all the years and all the times when things have been so much worse then they are today. I was never alone. We serve an ever present savior. He was always there. Just to know that makes all the difference in the world. Our God does reign.

Today my step fathers cousin passed away suddenly with a heart attack. They were like brothers, but we know that he went to be with the Lord and we will see him again. There is a peace with a loss when you know that person believed in God. He is in a better place this day then he was yesterday.

I thank God that he taught me to pray for others and that I see answers when I do. So many times I can't be there but my prayers can be. My brothers-in-law have just had surgeries, and I couldn't be there, but I know that God was, because I asked him to be there. When you believe in the power of prayer, you know someone greater then you is answering needs that you have no answer for.

I pray that if my heart is ever hard the Lord will plow it fast. I am human and I have preferences who I want to be around, but I still love the others. I love them because God loves them. I hope you are the same.

Father, for this one who is reading this today, I ask you to touch them in a mighty way. If they need healing, send it. If they need finances, send it. If they need salvation, send it. What ever their need is I ask you to meet it today. Send them something special today that they weren't expecting when they went on line today. I ask special blessings for each one reading this today. Be with each one, help them grow in you and the knowledge of your word. Bring them perfect peace today in you. For we ask it in the precious name of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.

I know the Lord has something awesome planned for you today. I know he has a special blessing just for me today also. Thank you for praying for us today and everyday that you do. There is nothing like this wonderful peace that God has sent to me after reading the very website I made through the anointing of God to help others. What would we do without the anointing? I am truely hedged in from worry and I see my answers coming into my world straight from heaven.

I am wrapped in such peace I wish I could share it with anyone who is worried today. God loves you. Don't let the devil get a foothold. Your answer is in God's hand. Search the scriptures. Ask and you will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. Then whatever you ask in prayer, believing you will receive. That is how you do it. Then give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom. God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. The answer is in God's hand. Knock and believe.

The devil works in fear and worry. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. He thinks if he can make things hard enough for us we will stop doing those things God wants us to do, so stand strong. God loves you and he will answer your greatest desires. Commit your ways unto God and he will give you the desires of your heart. But you say what if my desires aren't right? If you have committed your way to God he will change your desires. Bring them to God. He will show you which ones aren't right and before you know it, as you put God first, those other things lose their importance. All you will want is to do God's will in your life.

I understand that when I am going through something there is also someone else out there going through something simular. We are not an island. They may not have known God long enough to know how to handle it. I say first above everything, pray. Find out from God if you have done something wrong and make it right if you have and repent. Then trust him to act in your situation. Don't worry under any circumstances. BIG WORDS! We all worry at times, but we must fight that. If you have done all you know to do and God is doing all he can do, what more can you do? If the worry keeps attacking, go to the altar. If the devil knows you are going to God every time he attacks, he will back off. He wants to scare you. So don't let him. Fight, fight, fight. Don't call everyone and rehearse your problems. Do all you know to do and stand, having on the armor of God and praying in the Spirit.

Have I done this? You better believe I have. Have you tried fasting over your problem? The bible says in Isaiah 58:4 you fast so that your voice will be heard on high. Are you willing to give up something so that you will get your answer?

Psalm 22:3 that God inhabits the praises of Israel and since we are now his children he inhabits (or lives in) our praise. I have just given you two ways to have a hot line to heaven. Do you need an answer? Pick up the hot line. Praise like you have never praised before.

I can't wait to hear what your answer was. Share your testimony also. Give God the glory, so you know when you need answers again he will know he gets the glory for all he has done for you.

I wait with excitement to hear of your answers and to receive my answer as well. Praise almighty God for his magnificance. He is so wonderful.

God be with you today and everyday.

This is about one week after I wrote the page you just read. I was watching some TV several days ago when the phone rang. The lady on the other end asked for my son's friend and she was from a temp agency that I used to go to regularly for work, but they have had nothing lately, so I had moved to a different one. I recognized her voice and told her I had been sitting there thinking about calling her for work. She put me on the top of the list for work at this new company that she had gotten that works six and seven days a week, and long hours and need people on my favorite shift. She has not called again yet, but God showed me something he wants me to do before he is going to bless me with this job and I can't do that until this weekend. So this is my answer. I know that because I have the faith and the peace in it. We must let the peace of God show us what he wants us to do. Since faith and peace are fruits of the Spirit, I know God has answered my requests.

Isn't God amazing? I wasn't out job hunting, the job came to me. I had been out job hunting plenty with no answer. Then while relaxing at home my answers came. It was a two part answer also. This is why I said to go to him for prayer first so he could reveal anything you might need to do or anything you might be doing wrong that you need to make right.

What was the second part? There is a church here in town that I had been considering attending, but hadn't gotten around to it yet. He showed me he wanted me to do that this weekend. Then he blessed me on top of it, when I finally understood.

One of my favorite verses has always been in Psalms 37:4-5 where it says 'Delight yourself also in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your ways unto him and he will bring it to pass.' I found the verse that explains that today in my time with him.

When ever you find a promise of God there is always a flip side to it. He will do something, if you do something. In Isaiah 58, the chapter on fasting, go to the very last two verses. Scripture always explains itself if you are just patient enough to keep looking and asking God for the answer. Verse thirteen tells about what he wants us to do with the sabbath and if we do that, he shows what he will do in the last verse. It explains that he will make you delight yourself in him and then he will bless you tremendously. So there is more to the verse in Psalms then we first see. God causes us to delight in him and then we will receive the desires of our heart. It had appeared as though delighting ourselves in God was our job, but this shows it isn't. What a wonderful savior to know we can't even understand the word so he sends the explanation for us also.

Also it is wonderful to know I will be receiving this job or whatever God wants for me.

He is so wonderful. I hope you have your answer now also. May God bless you today and everyday. Amen.
