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Critters part 2

Time for doggies, I think... MY dog gets his own pages all to himself.


My hubby's dog Misty. She is a German Shepherd mix. She is also a big baby.


This is not my dog. He belongs to a friend who got his sorry butt thrown in jail and now I am stuck taking care of his dog (I offered, because he is a great little dog, but that doesn't mean I WANTED to have a third dog, sigh). The crap we do for friends, sheesh. He is a nice dog, though. I like him. I still won't have any trouble giving him back my friend when he gets out though. I'm not a terrier person, they are too active for me.

Irvine and Kona

These are not dogs. They are our most recent kitty additions to the family. Irvine is the grey, named after a dude in an anime series. Kona is the black one, named after a type of coffee grown in Hawaii (long story)

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