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Matthew Perry!

Matthew Perry is my second favorite. He was recently knocked out of the top spot, but still provides lots of competition.

I discovered him when I discovered "Friends", after a co-worker told me how much I reminded her of "Monica on Friends". Personality-wise, that is.

Not only did I discover the character of Chandler Bing, but I found a new favorite tv show. I had avoided it for so long because it was "popular" and I didn't want to be associated with that. Now I see what a great show it is.

Matthew says that Chandler is an exaggerated version of himself.

Matthew is good looking, but his personality seems to shine way more than that. He seems like a genuinely good person. That's really refreshing.

Not to mention that he could probably leave you in stitches.

Why He's So Cool...
* He's really, really, really funny. I've heard that he's the only cast member on Friends that they let into the writer's room for input on the script. He's written many of Chandler's lines himself.
* He's been though a lot, and got though it.
* He uses humor to get though awkward moments. So do I. Not sure if that's weakness, or a strength.
* His smile is just so full of warmth.
* He was a top ranked tennis player in Canada when he was young.
* He has really good taste. In music: I read an article that said that in his car CD player is Nora Jones and Bruce Springsteen. In cars: Porches, BMWs...silver. In furnishing: I read an article where he said he furnished his kitchen in all black. Very cool
* He loves one of my favorite movies, "While You Were Sleeping", and "Tootise".
* He's just plain adoreable.


Fools Rush In

The first Matthew Perry starring movie I ever saw. A friend I used to work with loaned it to me. This was even before I'd ever watched "Friends". It's great. Find out more about it at my Fools Rush In Movie Page

Almost Heros

This movie is soooo silly, it's great! Matthew plays a rich nobleman who wants to reach the Pacific before Lewis and Clark. He hires Chris Farley's character (in his last movie) to help him on his journey. I love a silly, fun movie, and this one is one of the best

Three to Tango

Another great movie where Matthew plays a character you can't help but fall "in like" with. The movie is funny, and it's got heart too. My favorite scene is when Matthew's character and Neve Campbell's character watch an old movie. I love the look they exchange when the woman in the movie says something really odd. The coversation during the movie is great too. It just captures something really wonderful. I can relate a lot to Neve's character too. "You know what the most spoken line in movies is?"

The Whole Nine Yards

A great movie! I love it! It's so funny! I love the characters. Just can't say enough good about it. I want to be Natasha Henstridge's character when I grow up! My favorite scene is at the very end where they're all dressed up and goofy dancing by Niagra Falls. Perfect picture.

Serving Sara

I wasn't too thrilled with this movie. Maybe it's because Matthew's character is such a departure from what he usually plays (which is good thing for an actor), or maybe because so much was going on during the filming of the movie (I think his stint in rehab was during this movie). I've only seen it once, so maybe I haven't really given it a chance. I did love the scene where he pretends to be kind of Latin or something, and he calls that blonde lady a "beautiful blonde pineapple!" Heheh

The Whole Ten Yards will be out in April of 2004. Plus, the last season of "Friends". Lots of Matthew to look forward to. :-)

Drumroll, please! Number One!
