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John Cusack!

John recently got bumped to number one!

I've been watching him in movies for years, but only recently have I been beginning to notice how great he is.

Great enough for him to be at Number One. John possesses a lot of qualities that I look for in a guy. I feel the same way about some of the characters he's played (i.e. "Martin" in "Grosse Pointe Blank", "Rob" in "High Fidelity", and of course, "Lloyd" in "Say Anything")

Why He's So Cool...
* He's got the eyes, and the hair...sometimes.
* He's in a TON of movies. Maybe not really popular ones, but he's got some really amazingly smart movies.
* He's an incredible actor. Really. Just watch "True Colors" or "High Fidelity". It's captivating.
* It seems to rain on John in nearly every movie he appears in...and I like rain.
* He's from Illinois, and so am I. So, see, we're practically destined. Haha.
* Most importantly, he's one of the most talented actors of our time. Destined to be one of the greats.

John and his sister Joan, who's pretty cool in her own right.


Sixteen Candles

John really isn't in this movie too much, but it's a great movie that I used to watch a lot when I was younger. He plays one of the nerds, which is great!

Better Off Dead

I love this movie! It's weirdly funny, and very 80's. John plays the regular guy role that he's so good at playing, but with a qwirky twist. Wonderful movie. From the hilarious lines, to John "playing" sax, to the Van Halen hamburger dance, Better Off Dead is a must see!

Stand By Me

This is an incredible movie, and John being in it just for a bit makes it even better. John plays the main little boy's older brother who dies suddenly. It's very moving, and an excellent film. Another of my favorites even before I was a hardcore Cusack fan.

One Crazy Summer

A pretty good movie. Very 80's again. John plays the regular high school guy who's trying to make it as a cartoonist. He goes on vacation with his best friend, and has to help Demi Moore's character save her grandfather's home from being sold to developers. Such a nice guy.

Say Anything

One of the greatest movies ever made. Written by and directed by my favorite director, Cameron Crowe. It's, of course, a teen love story, but it's much, much deeper than that. The movie is filled with intelligent dialog, and emotional scenes. It's an excellent film.
I recently bought the DVD, which includes a great commentary featuring Cameron, John, and Ione Skye. It's very entertaining to hear them talk about a movie they made over ten years ago. I really recommend picking up that DVD if you're a fan of the movie.

The Grifters

Not one of my favorites, but I can see why John did it. It was unlike any of the films he'd done before. This movie is twisted on so many levels. John plays a young guy who's torn between his "mother", his "girlfriend", and a life of crime. Excellent performance, as always.

True Colors

Politics can be brutal. So can John Cusack. Well, his character, Peter Burton can. John is amazing in this movie, totally proving himself as a serious actor. He did an excellent job portraying a backstabbing poltician.

Money for Nothing

Good movie. Evidentally based on a true story. Another case of John playing a man who wrestles with the good and the bad inside. It's amazing how he can play someone who does something so awful, but then you kind of end up wishing his character would get away with it. Some of this movie, however, was a tad unrealistic, due to the fact that I work at a bank. Otherwise, I recommend it.

The Road to Wellville

A very strange film. Mostly about bowel movements, disfunctional families, and Corn Flakes. John's scenes are very good, though. What made the watch worth it was hearing John say, "With friends like you, who needs enemas?!"

Grosse Pointe Blank

I just recently saw this movie and I'm so glad I did. This is definately one of my favorite Cusack movies. It's a dark comedy, but it has a lot of wit and humor. John plays Martin Blank, a hitman with a heart, and some psychological baggage. Martin has to do a "job" and go to his ten year high school reunion where he hopes to reunite with the "girl he left behind" played by Minnie Driver. Also stars John's sister, Joan as his secretary. Tons of funny stuff. I love it! (Plus, he just looks soooo great in this one.) I love the scene where he stares at the baby. Kind of like, "I am still one of these." The baby is hilarious.

Con Air

John's participation in a "blockbuster". He always seems to pick the movies that stray from the norm, but for "normality" sake in movies, this one is pretty normal. However, John's performance is first class all the way. He's great at the action stuff just like he does anything else.

The Thin Red Line

The first time I saw this movie, I was at a double date thing at a friend's house. I don't remember too much about it from then, but I do know the guys really enjoyed the movie. I remember kind of nodding off. Goes to show how exciting I thought the movie, and the date (ha ha!) was. Anyway, I picked this one up recently. I found it to be kind of slow. I'm sure it's fantastic as war movies go, but I've never been a fan of them. This one is much, much deeper than standard war movies, and John is great in it (I seem to be saying that a lot, no?), but it just wasn't my cup 'o tea. You can't love 'em all, I guess.

Pushing Tin

This movie was kinda cool. A very different take on the life of air traffic controllers. Everybody's got a story.

The Jack Bull

I absolutely adored this movie. It has to be one of the most beautifully heartbreaking films I have ever seen. I don't cry easily at movies, but this one had me sniffling at the end. John was absolutely incredible in this one, and I can't say enough good things about it. It was produced by John and his New Crime productions (the first project by them being, "Grosse Pointe Blank"), and it was written by his father, Richard Cusack. Ugh, I get teary-eyed thinking about this movie. Go watch it! It will challenge you and move you.

Being John Malcovich

Okay, this was a really, really, really weird movie. Now, I normally like really, really weird movies, but this one just invaded my bubble a little too much. The concepts were interesting, but I really this is just one I'll only see once.

High Fidelity

Another of my most favorite movies. A great story, and something I can really relate to. John plays a guy who is so flawed, but you can't help liking him at the same time.
Find out more about this great movie at my High Fidelity Movie Page


A really fun word, and John's return to the "romantic comedy" movie genre. My friends and I went to see this when it came out. I'm not sure why, but to be honest, none of us were really impressed. I remember, though, that the movie had a lot of really beautiful cinematography. The scene where they skate and the snow falls is really pretty. I also love the music. It's a very cute movie.

America's Sweethearts

Great movie! So funny, and full of great actors. It's a great look at the life of movie stars. John and Catherine Zeta Jones play husband and wife movie stars going though a divorce. Julia Roberts plays the once fat sister to Catherine's character. The plot itself isn't too captivating, but the comedy is fantastic, with a supporting cast including Hank Azaria, Christopher Walkin, and Billy Crystal. It's great!


In this very beautiful, very sad movie, John plays a Jewish art dealer named Max Rothman who comes in contact with a very young Adolf Hitler during a time where Hitler was very much into art. A very profound look into art, and politics.


This movie scarred the heck out of me. I saw it at the theatre because it looked like a mystery, and of course, John's in it. Little did I know how twisted it was. I couldn't sleep for part of the night after watching it. John was very good in it, though. If you don't mind being scarred (and the sight of blood), it must be a good horror movie 'cause it really freaked me out. Very twisted.

Runaway Jury

I saw this movie in the theatre twice. It was great! I loved the twist at the end. Superb acting. I can't say enough good about this film.

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