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Johnny Depp!

Johnny Depp is the first celebrity that I really had an actual crush on. It all started about the age of 13, when my best friend in Junior High and I began what I like to call, the "Johnny Obsession".

My friend and I used to stay up all night on the weekends and just watch his movies over, and over, and over again.

Junior high passed, and so did the "Johnny Obsession". I don't think I even watched a Johnny Depp movie until I dusted off my copy of "Benny and Joon" one boring day and popped it in my VCR.

Johnny's not my number one anymore, but he does keep a pretty good showing at number three (most recently being knocked out by the Number Two guy).

Why He's Cool...
* He's Johnny Depp for crying out loud!
* He's got "the eyes". (Drool....)
* He's also a musician. (He's not holding that guitar for his health in those pictures up there.)
* He has a really great outlook on the whole celebrity thing. He could easily be a "Tom Cruise" or "Brad Pitt" with those looks, but he wants to be respected for his talent, which is probably why he chooses all of the "quirky" roles that he's played oh so well.
* He's often described as "quirky", as have I!


Cry Baby

The one that started it all. This is the corny, silly, crazy movie that my best friend in Junior High and I stayed up all night watching over and over. We knew all the words. We sang all the songs. We were insane. So is the movie. But, for sheer camp, it's a great movie to watch just to be silly.
Johnny plays Crybaby Walker, a juvie who an Elvis wannabe. This movie brings back so many funny memories. Great for sentimental value to me.

Edward Scissorhands

I love this movie. Even to this day. It's going to be a classic. What more can I say?

Arizona Dream

Another movie my friend and I watched during that time. I don't remember too much about it, but I do remember thinking it was weird. Faye Dunnaway is in it and she's some old lady he has an affair with who is also crazy and wants to build some kind of flying machine. Lily Taylor is in it too, and she's cool. Her character and Johnny's character play Russian Roulette. Everybody's okay in the end though...I think.

Don Juan DeMarco

Don Juan (You gotta say the "Juan" all Latin like. It's fun!) is a great movie. No, it's not all about sex. It's about psychology. Yes. For real. Johnny plays a guy who think's he's Don Juan. Marlon Brando has to convince him that he's not so he can retire. The ending is great! I really recommend it.

Benny and Joon

My absolute favorite Johnny Depp movie. It's a salute to the fact that we're all a little crazy. (Or maybe it's just me.) It's totally offbeat, very touching, and amusing. Johnny's "act" in the movie is great. Makes me want to make bread rolls dance too. Tapioca anyone? No raisins, please.

What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

What's eating him? Really? That's a loaded question. Johnny plays a guy who's got a lot of issues. Seriously, it's a really touching story about a guy who has to take care of his retarded brother (the reason that I've never been attracted to Leonardo Decaprio), and his overweight (!) mother. It's a good movie.

Nick of Time

This has to be one of Johnny's most "normal" roles. He plays a father who's little girl has been kidnapped, and he's got to kill a politician in order to get her back. Supposedly, it's supposed to be in "real" time, but I remember a lot of critics saying it was off. It's an okay movie. Reminds me more of a "Movie of the Week" TV movie, though.

The Astronaut's Wife

I didn't like this movie. It was an erotic thriller, I think. Johnny looks kinda weird in this one. He goes to space, gets possessed by an alien, and comes back and has to get his wife pregnant with an alien baby to take over the world. I don't recommend it. He kinda scarred me in this one.

Sleepy Hollow

I liked this one. It's creepy, of course, but the scenery is straight out of a storybook. Although Johnny is very pale in this movie, he's still really quite attractive. Christina Ricci is my age. It's so not fair! LoL!


I actually liked this one. I didn't think I would. What makes it intriguing is the fact that it's a true story. Unbelieveable, but true. Johnny did a great job playing this character, as the extra interviews with the real guy proved on the DVD. The 60's haircut was quite funny, as was some of the outfits. I read an interview with him where he said one of them seemed like a Pizza Hut employee's uniform. LOL!


The guy I was dating seriously at the time took me to see this movie. I have no idea why. Maybe he thought he'd score some points or something, I don't know. I don't remember too much about this movie. I know Johnny played a gypsy guy who helped this lady who wanted to "awaken" the townspeople to chocolate and love and stuff. Maybe I'll watch it again sometime.

From Hell

This movie was pretty bloody. It was about Jack the Ripper killing prostitutes in England. Johnny was really hot in the movie, though. The old English style suits him well.

Looking forward to seeing him in Pirates when it comes out on video...nobody would go with me to see it at the theatre. Also looking forward to "Neverland". Gotta see "Once Upon a Time In Mexico". Good stuff.

Number Two!
