September 8, 2007
Slapsticks Party


Fred Ream & Anne (Frances) Young
Pat (Savoretti) Gawryk and Don Zeiman
Carl and Bernie (Kronner) Schwind with
Chuck Nagy, Rose (Bartos') husband
Melanie & Basil Taube with
Loretta & Ray Frank
Rose (Bartos) Nagy and
Joe Lamia
Dennis Abood, Dale Schlachter,
Claire (Hoffman) Tomei, Gail (Slezak) Gualdoni,
and Arnie Stefani
Frank Gualdoni & Don Missant with
Fred & Janice (Smith) Ream
Gerry Treas & Sue Jaques, Bernie (Kronner) Schwind,
with Chuck & Rose (Bartos) Nagy
Gail (Hillock) Turner and Paul Norrus
Dale Schlachter chats over Internet video
with Bill Karle in Sri Lanka
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