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In Memory Of Navigator
Messages from Navigator's friends at Fantassia's Palace.
(Some of the messages below have been edited for content.)

Thu Aug 9 10:00:46 2001
fairmaiden{MW}: i come in this day with the saddest news of my whole life of almost 38 years. For some of you, what i will share with you all, you already know. and for some it will come as a complete surprise.

*taking a deep breath between the tears*

i received a call very early this morning, that my ex-husband 'Navigator' had died in his sleep due to a heart attack. He will be buried on Sunday at 3:00 p.m. in Quincy, Florida.

i'm still sitting here in a state of shock, i just spoke to him two days ago and he was doing ok...not great, but ok..and was finding happiness in his life since we've been parted.

Navigator...or as some already know, Lonzo in real life, has been my husband, my best friend in all things and one of the nicest people to walk on this earth. He was a very generous and loving person, a man who stood at his word and could be counted on for everything.

i ask you all now to take a moment to send a prayer for his mother and father, who are two very special people and his daughter, Lisa. All trying to cope with this enormity in their life. A daughter who wishes beyond anything in the world that her father and i had had a child and that she was not an only child..and parents who stongly believe that no one should outlive their children.

Thank you all for the friendships that you've shown to Lonzo during his time visiting Fantassia's..i know he enjoyed every moment of it. *leaving special hugs for Bega and Cinnaminn* the two of you were so very special to him..

leaving now because i just can't think at the moment

Thu Aug 9 11:51:07 2001
Kathe: *warm hugs for fairmaiden*

Thu Aug 9 12:39:14 2001
Cinnaminn: *in shock*.......fairmaiden....please contact me on ICQ when you number is 806960......*hugs*..........

Thu Aug 9 12:51:23 2001
MARQUIS DE SADE: Navigator...I did not know you well...but I regret that you have been taken from will be missed...sigh...

Thu Aug 9 1:20:49 2001
Tybalt: son of a....*hugs fairmaiden* well, I didn't know Navi well but when I did talk to Him and met Him at Anais' party two years ago He seemed like a good guy...was always friendly towards me...

cripes...*shakes My head*

Thu Aug 9 1:59:49 2001
cherish: *sighs at the loss of so many friends and loved ones recently*

fairmaiden{MW}....i am deeply sorry for your loss, sweetie...may you and his family take some comfort in knowing that He is in a much better place now....where He is no longer in any pain and suffers no more. *gentle hugs*

Thu Aug 9 2:28:18 2001
paleface: ~tight hugs to fairmaiden~ our deepest sympathys to you and your family.....

Thu Aug 9 2:31:43 2001
WHOS YOUR DADDY: *lights a candle for Navigator* may You rest in peace, My friend

I will send My prayers to Your family for their loss

Thu Aug 9 2:41:30 2001
FireDragon: *tears flowing while writing this* First angie... now Navigator... this is so very sad. I just don't have words for this. :-(

fairmaiden, I remember him well and we talked often, and I can't imagine how you must be feeling... *soft tight hugs to you*

I was going to post more, but I'm so sad right now because of all those news, I'll be back later...
*leaving quietly*

Thu Aug 9 4:30:56 2001
~kudles~: leaving warm hugs for fairmaiden.. and saying a prayer for Navigator..
God speed.. and God bless...

When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
(David M Romano)
When tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see;
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today,
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready,
In heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love. But as I turned to walk away,
A tear fell from my eye,
For all my life, I'd always thought,
I didn't want to die.
I had so much to live for,
So much yet to do,
It seemed almost impossible,
That I was leaving you.

I thought of all the yesterdays,
The good ones and the bad,
I thought of all the love we shared,
And all the fun we had.

If I could relive yesterday,
Just even for a while,
I'd say good-bye and kiss you
And maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realized,
That this could never be,
For emptiness and memories,
Would take the place of me.

And when I thought of worldly things,
I might miss come tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when I did,
My heart was filled with sorrow.

But when I walked through heaven's gates,
I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me,
From His great golden throne,
He said "This is eternity,
And all I've promised you."
Today for life on earth is past,
But here it starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last,
And since each day's the same way
There's no longing for the past.
But you have been so faithful,
So trusting and so true.
Though there were times you did some things,
You knew you shouldn't do.
But you have been forgiven
And now at last you're free.
So won't you take my hand
And share my life with me?

So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart.

Thu Aug 9 4:35:51 2001
Lance: fairmaiden, I AM IN SHOCK TWICE IN ONE WEEK heart also goes out to you as well. *Deep Hugs* Navi was a friend, and a gentleman.

He will be missed. God's speed, Navi!

Thu Aug 9 4:48:26 2001
BumbleBee!: fairmaiden, my prayers are with you and Navigator's family..~warm hugs~ I enjoyed several late night talks with him..and His warmth and friendship will not be forgotten...

Thu Aug 9 4:57:31 2001
~g-man~{Xquizite Dream}: Walks in..christ sake..whats going on...fairmaiden..warmest hugz and sympathies......leaves everyone hugz......

Thu Aug 9 5:09:33 2001
Tearlach: fairmaiden{MW}... my heart goes out to you. Please accept my condolences

Thu Aug 9 6:19:44 2001
~opal*essence~: my dear sister fairmaiden, *warm tight hugs for you* am sorry to hear of Navigator hon, I had spoken to him a few times in the Tavern....please know I am but a phone call away should you need me at any time hon....I know Wim is there too taking care of you *warm hugs for Him*

Crossing The Bar
by: Lord Alfred Tennyson

Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that the dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my Pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.

Thu Aug 9 8:39:56 2001
Cinnaminn: Words I think Navi would want said for all his family and friends.....*soft sigh*....I found this poem tonight and thought it appropriate to post here in memory of Navigator.....

We Shall Meet Again

If I should leave this world
Without a warning,
And not even whisper a fond farewell,
Grieve not for one more message
From the lips that God has stilled.
But just remember me with love
And prayers for my soul's journey
To that fair land beyond life's tears.
For I have believed with all my heart
In its existence, and I know that
God is good, for He has come to me
Through the life of Him whose very
Garment I have sought to touch.
It may be lonely, and I hope you miss me
Just a little, because I have loved so deeply
Forgive me if I have ever hurt you
And remember me for what I longed to be.
Have faith that I am nearer than
Your dreams and fondest longings.
For the God of love shall keep all
Kindred spirits close together,
Though the misty vale between
This world and that to come
Keeps us from each other's sight
For a few precious moments.
Whisper softly that you love me
And it shall linger on within my soul
Until you come.
Say not good-bye,
For on some bright tomorrow
We shall meet again.

luv ya, Lonzo...*sending a bushel of hugs & kisses to Heaven for Lonzo*

Thu Aug 9 8:45:36 2001


Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free.
I am following the path God laid for me.
I took His hand when I heard Him call,
I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day,
to laugh, to love, to work or play...
Tasks left undone must stay that way,
I found that peace at the close of the day.
If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
a friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,
Ah, these things I too will miss.
Be not burdened with time of sorrow,
I wish to you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I savored much,
Good friends, good times, a loved one touched.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and share with me,
God wanted me now, He set me free!!!

Thu Aug 9 9:02:10 2001
Mistress Fire: fairmaiden - I'm so sorry for your loss. *sad eyes - wiping a tear* I'll keep you and Navigator's family in my prayers. *so sad* I'm really really sorry, hon. *leaving you extra hugs*

Can't say anymore right now. Too much loss.

Thu Aug 9 9:47:10 2001

Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singin' in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me

Say nighty-night and kiss me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

Stars fading but I linger on dear
Still craving your kiss
I'm longing to linger till dawn dear
Just saying this

Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

for Navi and ticie

Thu Aug 9 10:41:48 2001
MisbehavinChanty: First let me say that as an old member of Fan's, I'm very sorry to return to this wonderous place to only find that a dear friend has passed on. Geoff, I'm very sorry to hear of angie and will say a prayer for her sweet soul. I did not know of Navigator when I left but I am sorry to hear of His passing and wish to extend my condolences to Him and his as well.

I wish only peace should eventually find those that are in mourning and that we all celebrate angie and Navigators lives and remember them as they'd like to be remembered.

I leave you all with my short philosophy on life as I've learned over the last year or so.

Live, love and embrace life for all it's many joys and sorrows. For one never knows when there will be no more tomorrows. Love as you'd like to be loved and show the people you love each day what they mean to you. Tell them often how much they mean to so many.

The ex PrincessChantyBone

Thu Aug 9 11:13:29 2001
BumbleBee!: "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." - Albert Einstein

Fri Aug 10 01:53:08 2001
~Curly~: oh my.... ~heart heavy with sadness~

Navigator will be missed.... ~soft sigh~ a man with a gentle heart and a kind soul... met him two years ago at the R/T bday party. ~looking to the Heavens~ Rest well friend! deepest sympathy luv.. ~tight loving hug~

This only makes one realize the absolute importance of friends and family. I've had two brothers taken from me, both of tragic car accidents... both young men..both dying at age 35. There is no justice in that, nor the death of any... I try to realize that they have chosen that time to return to Our Grand Creator, as He wants them at that time.... the confusion, sadness and depression doesn't cease...the mysteries of life still a whirl wind of confusion. It does make you stop... realize the l'il grudges held against this one and that one and you realize its just not worth it.

so I say this with the utmost emotion placed behind these words...

to any I've EVER had ill words towards...ill feelings, grudges.. Please, I apologize and realize that life is sometimes way too short for pettiness. Stop taking one another for granted, and appreciate every single day.. every single hello, a smile from a stranger in passing, each sun shiny day and every drop of rain that fills our rivers and water reserves. Appreciate the small things in life, and most importantly...don't hesitate to tell all those in your life their importance to you.

Fri Aug 10 01:55:04 2001
~Curly~: You are important to me and make me who I am... thank you friends of the Palace. I value you all!

Fri Aug 10 03:57:39 2001
Aregorn: fairmaiden *soft huggs*
so sorry for your loss
Navigator was always a great guy I used to enjoy the chats we had,about anything. I only wish I got to know him even better but I guess I'll get my chance one day *smiles*

Just know that you and Navigator are in our prayers.. *soft huggs*

paleface and Cinn, those were so beautiful poems you left, thank you *huggs*

Curly, I agree with you, good friends are gift, one of the best we can give and receive.

Over the past few days during the tragic loss!! I realised it's hard to get closure for a friend who's passed on here online, especially if the next of kin are cautious and don't understand the depth of friendship you can have here. for we all grieve.

So for myself, if I ever do pass on, just wanna know gonna leave instuctions to my next of kin that it's my wish!! that my passing is open to all, no restriction on who can't and who can take part.

Fri Aug 10 05:41:05 2001
lauranthalasia{Lgsd}: Oh, my...........i just scrolled back.....didn't pop in here 'til now, been working weird hours, ah, geesh Angelina, and Navigator, Heaven is indeed richer, for now you both are there, though we all miss you....a lot

The Messenger

From an Angel on high
a tender message of love was softly whispered into the ear
of this humble scribe....

Weep not for me
now that I have passed.
Remember the laughter, the affection, the joy
not just the recent tears.
Cherish the memories, our hopes and dreams.
Hold fast to the love that we shared.

Be happy with the time we spent together
and being anew.
For I am not really gone,
I am closer than ever before.

As the morning sun rises
and throughout the busy day...I am with you.
Until the setting sun disappears on the horizon
and we watch the day turn into night...I am here.

You may feel a faint breeze stir round your head, while you slumber
as I gently kiss your forehead, "Good night."
The stars that shine so brightly in my heavenly sky
help me watch over you and keep you from harm.

I am the wind in the trees
and the song of a bird.
I am moonbeams in a midnight sky
and a glorious rainbow after the storm.
I am morning dew
and freshly-fallen snow.
I am a butterfly flying overhead
and a puppy happily at play.
I am a smile on a stranger's face
a gentle touch a warm embrace.

Listen to the wind for my message of love.
Watch the sun rise and set in the sky with me.
Feel my essence encircle you with warm memories.

Open your heart to know...I am not gone.
Reach deep into your soul...You will find me.
I am here.
Have no fear.
I am with you,
Kirsti (Angel scribe)

Sat Aug 11 12:30:18 2001
Bega: I can not believe ... He's gone....

Sat Aug 11 01:23:33 2001
Mistress Jackhammer: Most of you won't remember me, It's been a long time since I've been around :(

For The Family and Friends of Angie, I didn't know her well, but we talked a few times. I know she will be missed by everyone....*Sleep well, my friend*

Lonzo, "Navi" was my friend, VT and RT. Just talked to him Tuesday night, .... having trouble typing here :(
I will miss you greatly, my friend!
Words can never say how much you will be missed...
But, you will never be forgotten :) *HUGS*
Love you, hon!

Sat Aug 11 9:15:54 2001
articwolf: Fairmaiden, I just read the news on Lonzo. I'm soooo sorry for your loss *big hugs* I spoke lots of times with Lonzo for hours and always had a great time and I cannot believe that he is gone. Net and I send our best wishes for your family. Lonzo was one of the nicest people I have met here. I will miss him.......I used to joke with him and call him crash because of his off-road excursion in Canada....the only person I know who uses cruise control in the winter in Canada....Typical Floridian!!!! *LOL*

Lonzo, may you find internal happiness. I will miss you my friend....
articwolf & Net & family

Sun Aug 12 12:15:57 2001
fairmaiden{MW}: hello, everyone *trying to smile between half dried tears*

i want to tell you all that your words and wonderful poetry left here for Lonzo was greatly appreciated by not only me, but to his family. i've been slipping in the past two days and just reading..i haven't been able to post anything because i just couldn't find the words or nor could i even type...i just read and cried....*deep sigh*

i just wanted you all to know that everything that has been left here in the Herald has been sent and will be put in a place of honor at the funeral for everyone who attends will be able to read your words and will know just how much Navigator meant to all of you.

i spoke with his Mother last night and she started to cry, and said...she never understood the chatting thing, but realizes now how important it is for some people and expressed that she was glad that he had known all of you. and thanked you for the small treasures that you sent.

*giving you all a very tender hug*

Cinnamin...i got your email, but i couldn't answer it because my computer will not stay online for more then a minute...we put a new network interface in it and something's not right. Anyway..i'm typing on Wim's system at the moment. i can't even remember my hotmail password to pull my mail from here..*sigh* in a few days, i'll send you the pic that you requested...i don't have a lot of them here with me...but i do have a few. Thank you for thinking of doing this sweetie..*warm tight hugs*

opal....what can i say.....thank you for the phone was good to hear from you, hon..*hugs and kisses* Wim sends his love and lots of hugs. i'll give you a call back in a few days.

It is 8:OO a.m. right now here in Belgium...the sun is actually shining for a change..but at the moment, i don't feel its warmth...just a numbing all will be a very long day...*sigh* 3 p.m. there in Florida is 9 p.m. here where i am. The time and distance is almost unbearable...i can't seem to get the song Memories out of my head, it was one of Lonzo's favorite songs..smiling between the tears..i know i'll be hoarse before the day is through...i plan on singing every song he ever liked me to sing seems i'm rambling i will close for now
Again, thank you all for your words of support and for just being here

*sharing the bushels of hugs wil all*

love you all!

Sun Aug 12 05:51:15 2001
Though we never met,
we encountered each other everyday.

because we shared what is beautiful,
we shared love,
we shared the love for a person and the love of a person,
a special person, better than even thoughts can describe.

And that must have made us brothers,
before and after anything else,
because of the love of that person
a person with a heart to embrace the world...
at least the both of us... *ws*

My little one, but always your baby.

a Navigator is a wandering soul,
a searching man.

May your travels have brought you to a safe harbour,
May tender rest replace the fatigue of searching,
May peace be with you.

For you can sleep at ease, Lonzo,

I promise you – with all my heart,
You can sleep at ease,
I will - to the best of my abilities,
take care of your baby,
Our Love.

You can sleep at ease.

May the wisdom of your journey
reward you with the bright light of a never ending beautiful dream,
touch the stars Lonzo, your stars,
this is your moment.

If I look at the clouds,
I will find you,
for you are in my heart.

Sweet dreams, Lonzo.

We never met,
but yet we did,
because of her, thanks to her,
because what we share is so important,
so essential.

Sweet dreams Lonzo.
May your God be with you.

Never will the word Navigator be spoken,
without me feeling pride,
feeling respect.

Sweet dreams, Lonzo.

Sun Aug 12 08:10:03 2001
~opal*essence~: *reading the loving and beautiful words and letting the tears flow*

*holding fairmaiden tightly*....*hugging Wim tenderly*

you both have all my love there with you today and always.....

Sun Aug 12 09:25:05 2001
MasterKnight: ok ok I know I should be sleeping fairmaiden, smiles softly, but I just wish to give you a big HHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGG!

~smiles to all the wonderfull people here~

I personally never had the honor to meet or talk to Navigator, yet I too feel that I know Him. Not only from the wonderfull fairmaiden, but also from the love and care each and everyone has shown here, and in other ways... a loved person, a person cared for - not forgotten, a person who will be remembered in the hearts of those that love Him, which does need to be said are plenty...

Fairmaiden- tiny tiny tiny smurfie hugs and sing girl, sing, I'll be listening, and so will Navigator, ~soft smile~

Sun Aug 12 10:28:25 2001
Ceridwen the Black: fairmaiden... My heart goes out to you *big soft hugs*

*leaving HUGS sprinkled all over the place for everyone who cares for some*

Be well, friends. Ceri :-)

Sun Aug 12 12:58:23 2001
cherish: heartfelt sympathies go out to you and your family at this time....19 years is a long time to be with love them and then lose them so very will take time to heal from this overwhelming grief that you are feeling right now....He may not be with you in body...but i am almost certain that He is with you in spirit and will always be in your heart.....hold onto that, for that is what will get you through this difficult time now *wraps you up into a warm tender hug* even though we haven't talked much in the past, i wanted you to know that i care and i am here for you if you need a friend....hang in there sweetie *soft tender smile*

Sun Aug 12 2:40:08 2001
Isambard: Sandi, sitting here in front of this screen, just returned from home, my heart and my mind are with you at this very moment, and if I were next to you I would take you in my arms and hug you.... and I know that I can speak for mado also....

Isambard O~~O mado

Sun Aug 12 2:51:21 2001
alies: Dear Sandi,
First of all I want to apologize for not having shared the moment of praying at your house (althought I do believe). At this very moment I am not able to... because of my inner self. Today, I passed by church:
lighted a candle for your Lonzo, cried many tears...
Sandi, just know that whenever you sing, he will be listening... I hugged you thight, but I also know that is not good enough at this time. Just know that my heart, thoughts are with you and his family now. Big thight hug from your kiddo...

Sun Aug 12 4:46:07 2001
Aregorn: Sandie
Sending you so many huggs, that was beutifull what you wrote, thank you so much for sharing it with us, sending you huggs on angel wings, You know when we meet those special people in our lives, be it the person we loved, family or friends so close, we swap a little bit of our hearts with them, so we keep a part of them always and they keep a part of us :)

Take care okay *huggs*

Sun Aug 12 4:46:48 2001
celticheart{diM}: sooo sad.. Geoff. my condolences... it is hard to loose a heart touched with pure gold... yellow was a very symbolic color to chose whose heart was pure..and mischievous...
she will be missed.
I do not know what to say about Navigator, a very sweet and courteous fellow... So many changes since I have passed by last... I had hoped to leave a message for ~M~ and then received the message about angie... My best friend in rt just died about the same time angie passed... I hope that both have found the realm that brings eternal happiness..
*tears choking my voice*

Sun Aug 12 08:47:02 2001
~ZephyrWind~: May the Light and Truth and Love that was in Your Heart Navigator, fill O/our hearts always, tho' I did not know You that well, the love that so many O/others bore You speaks volumes of the Man that You are...adieu Navigator....adieu

Sun Aug 12 8:31:21 2001
articwolf: Although I am not a poet nor ever pretend to know the first thing about literature I ran across this short poem and thought I would share it:

........The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye
........The story of love is hello and goodbye
.................... Until we meet again..........
....................Jimi Hendrix 1969................................

Sun Aug 12 8:34:21 2001
articwolf : That poem is something that I always keep in mind and helps to heal when I'm sad about losing a loved one....I think we shall all meet again one day. *hugs* to all who need one.....Thanks kudles for your hugs and thoughts!

Sun Aug 12 8:45:02 2001
Mistress Fire: kudles - that's my favorite song of all times. It makes me cry every time. I heard it at such a special time as one of my soft furry friends - my George - quietly slipped away to heaven and died. And this week it is certainly appropriate for me and this place as we lose loved ones here. *wiping yet another lone tear* I loved what you said earlier also kudles... - know my friends of this place that I love you all. Some more than others. There are special people in my heart - some very special that I will always love and I hope that they know that even if they don't read it here - I'd want them to know - in case I slipped away or should they slip away suddenly........ I'd always want them to know. I've already missed too many chances to say the I love you's. So I say them now and hope to try to every day from now on. I love ya all!!

*hugs to everyone* My heart felt sympathies, fairmaiden.

Mon Aug 13 02:29:21 2001
janke: On moments like this, no words, written or spoken, no melody can catch the feelings. Only the sound of the wind can express my thoughts. I wish you a lot of love.


Mon Aug 13 02:51:16 2001
Fluffy: Geoff...all the best Hun...I wont bug you with emails...but I do hope that you are okay...and do remember that angie was/is well loved...

still a little shocked with the news of Navigator...didn't know him very well...but I hope that he is in a happier place now

Mon Aug 13 10:41:10 2001
Dubird: *head spinning*

i can't believe i read the WHOOOOOLLLLE thing!....

anyhoo, you're welcome Kathe....even if this is a bit late....-_-;...

and you're welcome also Geoff....*warm hugs*....if there's anything more i can do, just let me know ok?....

*hugs fairmaiden*....i don't know what to say....i never do....even though i didn't really know Navigator well, i'm sorry for your loss....and for everyone else that knew him....all i can say, and this also applies to those of us that miss ticie, is that our tears are for our loss, not theirs.....*hugs again*...

Mon Aug 13 9:52:47 2001
Romance: Fairmaiden..It has been ages since we chatted...Warm tight hugs my friend Always here if you need me my friend...

Tue Aug 14 05:54:47 2001
*snoopy*: In Loving Memory of Navigator even though i did not know You...the loss is still as painfull

God looked down on your body,
So tired from hanging on,
From a life that was overwhelming you,
And wanted back His child.
So he took away the air you breathe,
And gave you what was best,
A place to be at peace,
A final place to rest.

Tue Aug 14 08:08:14 2001
Legacy~*: fairmaiden..tightlovinhugs* I'm soooooo sorry that you lost Navigator...I didn't know him, but any loss is terrible. My heart goes out to you and to his family

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