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23 May 2003

If, you notice some dead links, don't bother telling us.  We're doing a lot of updates right now, so that's probably what it is...

Anyway, we have some new updates already uploaded and on the site!   There's some new fan fiction for you to enjoy:  another installment of Adventures With Mikey and a new story calledScott's Side Project.  In case you haven't already noticed, our men of the month have been updated and there are links to past months that never got uploaded because this past semester was so tedious and time consuming.  We've updated How Cool Is That? , so check that out and my personal page has been updated, but there's not much there to see.

We're planning some cool stuff, too!  We have a concert reviews page that's almost ready to go and it will feature a review of a Flaming Lips show Jenny recently saw.  She's also working on some fan fiction of her own.  We're also planning some more music video reviews, updating our bios, updating our fun stuff (and possibly adding more things to it), and we're working on a new quiz!  You'd better keep checking back, or you're gonna miss out!


Oh yeah, MY DAD IS 50 TODAY!!!! 50 YEARS OLD!!!!

Sorry, I couldn't help it!

19 May 2003

Well, it has been a long time coming. Sorry about the extended wait on updating the page...DAMN COLLEGE!!! Well, summer is finally here, so no more Mount Pleasant, but hopefully more fun with this page! There is some good news on the horizon in terms of the site and Weezer side projects. If you haven't heard yet, Brian Bell's band The Space Twins has just released the much anticipated "The End of Imagining", so go to and buy it!!! Also, some news from The Special Goodness, a possible triple bill with Wheat and The Starlight Mints (an awesome band!) is being proposed for the East in July so keep checking at for more info! One more thing, if you have tried emailing us, the address is no longer in existence so email us  from now on. We have some major updates with the site coming up  so keep checking back!
By the way, HAPPY  belated BIRTHDAY MIKEY WELSH!!!! (We're sorry it's a month late...)

1 Feb 2003

Where are all my presents?
Happy Birthday Patrick Wilson!!!
We have some really cool updates so keep an eye out- We have some extra new surprises in store but we can't tell you yet... In the meantime, only about 4 more weeks until the Special Goodness cd (Land, Sea, Air) is released, and The Space Twins cd is due to be released any day now!!!. Keep up the good work Pat and Brian (and of course, we still have love for Rivers and Scott). Well, that's it for now, have a wonderful day and don't forget to check for groundhogs tomorrow!!!

9 Dec 2002

What? It's my birthday AGAIN??


Finals week at last!!! Don't look for too many updates this week, for we will be studying hard... (or hardly studying) For a cute little story about how Matt Sharp saved Becca's Dad's life, check out Becca's Page. That is all for now, and don't forget to wish the king of sass himself, BRIAN BELL, a very happy birthday today!!!

4 Dec 2002

happy birthday to meeeee....

Happy Belated 22nd Birthday Jenny!!!

Okay- Jenny's birthday was actually Sunday December 1st, but our damn internet was not working, so what can you do? Hope everyone's Turkey day went well (or for veggies, Tofurkey day). Well, it's the last week of class, and exams start next week, so we can finally update!!!! For now, we have our "Of the Month" page updated, and check out our review of the Matt Sharp show in Chicago here.

Well, that's it for now- more updates coming soon!!!

25 Nov 2002

Well, this is really pathetic, we know. School, school, school, always our excuse. But we have some updates!!!

Last night, we went to Chicago and saw the oh so cool MATT SHARP and met him!!! For the record, if any of you fine people get a chance to go to one of his shows, we highly recommend it!!! His new stuff is really good and he really is a super nice guy- TRUST US!

We would like to thank two very nice people for e-mailing us (you know who you are!!!)

A band from Canada called Unit 404 does a really cool cover of "No One Else"- to download, click here. For more info on the band, visit Jenny's Outer Space

Also, check out a really neat weezer site on our links page!!! Or, if you want to save those mouse-clicking index finger muscles, the URL is

Well, that is it for now, hopefully we will have a lot more updates in the coming week, and if you have any websites, bands, questions or other weezer-related (or stuff that just kicks ass) stuff you want us to get out there to all the kiddies, send us an e-mail. Happy Turkey Day!!!

11 Nov 2002

Just a quick update so you guys don't think we all forget ya: We are in the process of updating-MAJORLY. Due to final projects and papers, we have been so busy that the site got overlooked. We will hopefully have some fun new stuff for you to enjoy by the end of the week!!! Ciao-

1 Oct 2002

We have another update for everyone!!! We have new winners for October (under "of the month..."), and we have a new archive page, so our index page doesn't get cluttered with old news... oh, and a little note from Jenny, she is in the process of changing the look of her page, because she thought her old layout was kind of boring. So keep your eyes peeled for some cool links there!

We are over 200 hits now, and we are so stoked about that!! Thanx so much for visiting, we really appreciate it. Also, if you haven't had a chance to yet, sign our guestbook. We really wanna hear from you guys!!! If you have any questions, comments about ANYTHING, don't be afraid to e-mail us at 

Look for more updates coming soon!!!


22 Sept 2002

Happy Birthday Matt Sharp!!!


Speaking of Matt Sharp, we could have got tickets to see him in Cleveland, but now we can't go!!! We were gonna make the almost 6 hour trek across state lines to see him, but unfortunately prior commitments (choir concerts for Becca) prevented us from doing so... oh well, que sera, sera, maybe he will come to Detroit or Chicago next time.

Short little update: We have a guestbook now!! Please sign it! It will make our day! Thanx for coming to our site, we've noticed the big difference in hits recently!!!

16 Sept 2002

Update: Finally! Yeah, yeah, we know... it's been awhile... Good news today though!! We are linked on! Thanx Karl!!! Speaking of the man himself, yesterday was his birthday! And what better way to kick off Karl Appreciation Week than a big ol' happy birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Karl!!!

Go Karl! Go Karl! It's Your Birthday!

1 Sept 2002

Hi ho hi ho it's off to school we go... We started school this last week, slowing down our progress on our page. Boy do classes suck. There is something wrong with having papers due the first week of class. Anyway, we finished the music video reviews section and the fun stuff section (click on the link that says "click here"). Anyway, keep checking it out, and don't be afraid to give us some feedback.

23 Aug 2002

Yay!  Becca finally finished her page.  Well, an incomplete form of it, that is.  She hasn't done everything she wants to do with it yet, but it's finally coming along.  Next up for us to finish are the links page, music video reviews page, and our "fun" page.  They aren't up yet, but we hope to get them up very soon.  The homies page won't be up for a while yet, so don't click on it until we say you can. 

Hmmm.... what do you make of this?

Party on, Rivers!

It made us say, "Weezer's World! Weezer's World! Party Time! Excellent!" but that's just our opinion.  (Now if Brian just grew his hair out and wore a black baseball cap...)

Rock on!!!

Becca and Jenny
