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So, you wanna know about us? It's gonna cost ya...

twinkle,twinkle little star...

Name: Jenny

AIM: Spacedtwin

Birthdate: 1 December 1980

Eye Color: Hazel GREEN

Hair Color: Dark Auburn

Height: 5'4"

Astro Sign : Sagitarrius

Hometown: Clarkston, MI (that's outside Detroit kids, Weezer played there too!)

School: Central Michigan University

Major/Minor: Public Relations/ Broadcast & Cinematic Arts

Favorite Movie: My Fair Lady

Favorite Color : Emerald Green

Favorite Weezer Album : Blue

Favorite Weezer Member (Past/Present) : Brian Bell

Coolest Place Ever Visited : Paris, France- one of the most romantic and beautiful places in the world...

Musical Abilities : Gee-tar: a white fender acoustic (plus a little keyboard and harmonica)

Addictions:  vintage/funky fashion, art, AIM, guitar stores, classic films (especially with Audrey Hepburn), post cards, coin collecting, knitting, classic and contemporary literature, concerts, anything to do with Paris or the 1960s., Elvis, David Bowie, and of course, Brian Bell(sorry, had to list him).

If Becca Were to Use a Few Words  to Describe Me, She Would Say I'm... :  A Space Cadet

If I Were a Decade, I Would Be : The 60s

Other Genres of Music I'm Listening To : 60s Psychedelia, Indie Rock, Old School Punk, 80s Music, Classical piano, violin/cello, Jazz and Blues.

Favorite Condiment : Honey Mustard

If I Were a Piece of Furniture, I'd Be : A Red Velvet Chaise Lounge

My Wheels: 1989 White Mercury Tracer (and it is ALL stickered out with a big Weezer sign of course)

3 Essential Cable Channels : Indepent Film Channel, Sundance Channel, Bravo

Favorite Weezer Song : Only In Dreams

Favorite Weezer Quote"Barney is singing about "dancing away the blues" while a racially balanced group of mutant children twitch arrhythmically behind him. And you wonder why rock stars throw TV sets from hotel-room windows." - Rivers

If I could Spend One Day With a Present Weezer Member, Who Would It Be, and What Would We Do? : Brian Bell, and we would go shopping at all the sweet vintage stores and/or record stores in L.A. (where my fam lives), Go eat at one of those vegetarian restaraunt/diners (yes, I'm a vegetarian) and then maybe go to an art museum or catch a play and/or local band performance.

Random Fact About Me : I'm a Lefty (well, technically: I only eat and write with my left hand, so that would make me a lefty right?) Oh, and I'm also EXTREMELY forgetful...

I look much cuter in person! Honest!

Name: Becca

AIM: StarSapphire945

Birthdate: 13 July 1981

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: I'm a dirty blonde.  (I mean between blonde and brown.  Get your mind out of the gutter!)

Height:  Neither short nor tall.  Fine! 5'7"! Happy now?

Astro Sign: Cancer

Hometown: Filion, MI (Okay, hold up your hand.  Your hand represents the lower penninsula of Michigan.  See your thumb?  I live on the thumbnail.  Got it?)

School: Central Michigan University (Alumni now!)

Majors: Journalism w/conc. in Advertising, Psychology (I am a double major, I have no minor.)

Favorite Movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Weezer Album: Blue

Favorite Weezer Member (Past/Present): BLUE, I mean Matt Sharp

Coolest Place Ever Visited: Shanghai, China

Musical Abilities: Are you ready for storytime, kids?  In 5th and 6th grades I played trombone, but I got sick of it and I quit.  I also started piano lessons about that time and quit a couple years later, to begin again when I was in high school.  I played piano in jazz band 10th and 11th grades, and played bass synthesizer my senior year.  I also re-joined band the second half of my senior year to play assorted percussion instruments, such as tympani, bells, and crash cymbals, for festival and backed up the bass lines with my trusty bass synth after festival was over. (*sigh* I miss my bass synth...)  I am most confident, however, in my singing abilities.  I sang in choir in 7th, 10th, and 12th grades, as well as church choir all throughout high school.  I continued singing in college, as I took part in Women's Chorus my freshman year, Festival Chorus the 1st half of my freshman year, and I've been in Concert Choir ever since the 2nd half of my freshman year.  From the beginning of my college career, I've had the pleasure of a steady decent from 1st Soprano to 2nd Alto (a.k.a. Female Bass) and I love singing low and I don't really care to sing 1st Soprano ever again.  I'm attempting to learn guitar, but my attempts, so far,  have proved unsuccessful.  I should shut up now.  THE END

Addictions: Funky Colored Nail Polish, Expensive Salon-Brand Hair Gel (That's what thick, naturally curly hair does to you), Baking (especially cakes, brownies, and the occasional batch of cookies), Writing, Food (both making it and eating it, but especially making it), Singing While Driving, Cheese, Chocolate, Caffiene, Concerts, Staying Up as Late as I Can and Sleeping In as Late as I Can, Jewlery, Late Night Visits to 24-Hour Establishments, Video Games (but ones that don't bother my carpal tunnel), Thinking About Matt and His "Nook", and Crack (just kidding!)

If Jenny Were to Use a Few Words to Describe Me, She Would Say I'm :  A Goofy Kind of Badass

If I Were a Decade, I Would Be: The 70s (minus disco)

Other Genres of Music I'm Listening To: A lot of different kinds of stuff.  I HATE Country, Non-Oldskool Rap, and most Pop.  My CD collection reflects my affection for Classic Rock, but my tastes are way more diverse than that.

Favorite Condiment: Ketchup (a.k.a. Catsup)

If I Were a Piece of Furniture, I'd Be: A huge, comfy bed with a really soft mattress, and very soft, white sheets.  The kind of bed you could just stay in and nap all day.

My Wheels: 1993 Toyota Paseo (with a Detroit Red Wings plate in the front!!!)

3 Essential Cable Channels: The Weather Channel, CNN Headline News, and The Food Network

Favorite Weezer Song: Devotion

Favorite Weezer Quote: "You start off, everything’s kind of cool, you see some bumps ahead, you go to hell, you’re on the way out, you kind of see there’s some light at the end of the tunnel, then you get the shit kicked out of you again, then you’re at home, you’re in heaven and it’s beautiful. Then you cry and go to sleep."  - Scott

If I could Spend One Day With a Present Weezer Member, Who Would It Be, and What Would We Do? : Present member?  I'd really like to chill with Scott for a day.  He seems really cool.  Maybe go out to lunch at a place that serves red meat and alcohol. (I am NOT a vegetarian!) Just hang out, relax, maybe catch a hockey game (assuming Scott likes hockey), and go to one of those big arcade/bar places.  You know, the kind designed for grown-ups.  An amusement park, like Cedar Point, would be cool, too, but that would take up the whole day.

Random Fact:  The peanut is neither a pea nor a nut.  Oh?  It's supposed to be about me?  My shoelace got caught in an escalator when I was about eight.  Fortunately, my dad pulled out my shoelace before the thing ate my foot.  Damn hi-tops!  The lesson here is to always make sure your shoes are tied before going on an escalator.
