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How Cool is That?

We all know about Karl's Stoke Factor at and we love it. Inspired by this, we decided we would do one of our own. So here is some of the stuff that makes us ask "How Cool is That?"

September 2003


TV/Movies : Court TV (thanks Mom) and "I Love the 70s" on VH1. No movies at the moment, I need to start watching some though, there's nothing on TV nowadays.

Books : "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams. Haven't really read anything more interesting than that recently, don't really have time at the moment.

music : Definitely Tori Amos. I went to see her in concert last month and it was AWESOME. I'm really into "To Venus and Back" right now. It is by far one of her sexiest cds. "From the Choirgirl Hotel" is another good one.

internet: I'd have to say , it is hilarious.

misc : Living in my own apartment again, it's my last semester of classes, getting to see Tori Amos in concert, some of the awesome TV shows I get to be involved with this semester, wednesdays (only one class from 4-5pm, it's almost a free day!) and knowing that I'm moving out west in less than 4 months!


TV/Movies :  not much

Books : see above

Music :  i listen to the shitty radio on my way to work and i can only get one station in and it sucks

Internet :  i got nothin'

Misc. :  life sucks
