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Weezer and Stuff

9 Dec 2003

Happy Birthday to Meeee...


Yes, Mr. Sexy Space Twin and the snazzy rhythm gee-tarist from Weezer turns 35 today! Also- Sorry guys about the extremely delayed updates. With Jenny finishing up her last semester here in Mount Pleasant and Becca back home kicking her ass at two jobs, this site has had to take the back burner...Good news though, it's almost the holidays and we are moving to L.A.!!!!

am I really only 7 years away from being 30?


Jenny got her bad self an internship doing music publicity in Sherman Oaks and just turned 23 on December 1st so we are just going to make this a double birthday!!! Also, although it was by accident that there are two birthdays to announce, share the joy anyway! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENNY AND BRIAN BELL!!!

22 Sept 2003

We haven't been terribly busy around these parts, sorry guys, but it's nice to know that Weezer is back on a roll again! Also, we would like to offer our most humble apologies to Mr. Karl Koch, for missing his birthday on September 15th, we didn't forget! Also, remember today is the 100th anniversary of the ice cream cone so you know what that means...FREE ICE CREAM AT DQ!!!! Oh, there is something else special about this day, what is it....? Of course, how could we forget, it is MATT SHARP'S BIRTHDAY! So don't forget to wish Mr. Sharp a very happy 34!!!



1 Sept 2003

Summer is finally coming to a close. Another school year and another fun year for Weezer and Stuff! We have now been running for a year and we want to thank everyone for visiting us! Now that we have things underway, we have some updates for you guys! First, we now have our August and September Men of the Month, and check out Mine and Becca's personal pages, Becca Sells Out and Jenny's Outer Space  (which now link to our online diaries (bloggers) since our personal pages are sadly no more) for a little insight into what crazy ladies we are! Also, don't forget to check out our newest installment of How Cool is That? - More to come! Thanks for a great first year!


20 July 2003

We finally have July's men of the month uploaded and ready to go, so enjoy the yumminess all you horny ladies (and homosexual or bisexual gentlemen).  The review for the recent Matt Sharp show is finished. Also How Cool is That? has been updated, so check it out! We should be a-kickin' the upgrades into high gear soon, especially since I don't have to fight with my sister over the computer this week. (Yay!) 

Anyway, I know we always say be on the lookout for updates and then stuff comes up and we get busy and they never get done, but I mean it this time.  We are going to do our best to actually follow through on those updates!  Trust me!

Keep cool in the summer heat! (I envy those with A/C...)


(P.S. I know you all never go to my page, but in case you just realized that I have a page, I just took it off.  I got sick of the lightning theme and I need to re-do it.  Hopefully that will be up in the near future.)

13 July 2003

What a lucky gal- our very own badass webmistress BECCA celebrates 22 years just two days after the Shrinedog!!! Well, all of you better be wishing her a very happy day because if it weren't for her half the magic of this website wouldn't be happening!

On the horizon- July's Men of the Month, more Fan art, Fan fiction, video and contert reviews and much more!!!


Don't I look all domestic? Well F#&!K YOU!!!


11 July 2003

More updates on the horizon...

oh yeah, everyone wants a piece of the Shrinedog!!!


3 July 2003

It's almost the 4th of July, so HAPPY 227th BIRTHDAY USA!!!!he ain't wearin' nothin' but american pride

And now, in honor of Independence Day and the recently passed Canada Day (spreadin' love to our close neighbors to the north... and east since we're in MI) here is a brief fireworks display courtesy of your friends at Weezer and Stuff and free internet clipart!





So anyway, we've got some good stuff headed your way!  We just finished a NEW QUIZ!!! Check it out!  We've gotta get our butts in gear for July's men of the month, but we hope to have that up soon.  We've got yet another quiz that's halfway to completion.  We recently went to Matt Sharp's show in Hamtramck, so expect a review on that soon.  We've got oodles of stuff we plan to update soon so be on the lookout, got it?


(By the way, I have not, nor have ever practiced vampirism, nor do i plan to in the future.  Just clearing that up for you all.  Am I a bitch? Yes. A ghost? Maybe.  But a vampire? No.  Besides, Jenny is an alien from a faraway planet, so she shouldn't talk. *wink*)

13 June 2003

Friday the thirteenth again....woooh...scary!!! Yeah, don't tell Becca that, she was born on the thirteenth of the month and she claims that she doesn't need to sleep with garlic around her neck, yeah, whatever, we all know she's really a vampire. Anyhow, we have some cool things around the bend, if you haven't already, check out our of the month page for our Mr. June's and as you may know already, The Space Twins have released their debut full-length cd, "The End of Imagining"- I highly recommend it!!! That's all for now, keep checking back and don't forget to not play with fire this friday the thirteenth (or any day for that matter) and wish Mr. Rivers Cuomo a happy 33!!!



1 June 2003

HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY JUSTIN!!!! (awww, wasn't he just a cute lil' stinker?)


Which Weezer Member are You?/Are you Becca or Jenny?/About Us/Rivers/Pat/Brian/Scott/Mikey/Matt/Jenny's Outer Space/Becca Sells Out/Fan Art/Fan Fiction/"...of the Month"/Concert Reviews/Music Video Reviews/Links/Fun Stuff/Nook/How Cool is That?

Questions, comments, ideas?  E-mail us!!!!
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